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Works: 14 works in 14 publications in 1 languages
神祕婚約 : 聖‧凱莎琳的婚禮 by: 何恭上; 劉振源; 聖凱莎琳 ((St. Catherine of, Alexandria)); 龐靜平 (Language materials, printed) , [撰文]
雅笛哥藝術 = Art Deco by: 劉振源; 龐靜平 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
新約聖經畫典 by: 何恭上; 龐靜平 (Language materials, printed) , [撰文]
磐石金湯 : 聖.彼得的金鑰 by: 何恭上; 江文雙; 聖彼得 ((St. Paul)); 龐靜平 (Language materials, printed) , [撰文]
神女聖女 : 聖.抹大拉的瑪利亞 by: 何恭上; 劉振源; 聖瑪利亞 ((St. Mary, Magdeleine)); 龐靜平 (Language materials, printed) , [撰文]
希臘羅馬神話101 by: 何恭上; 龐靜平 (Language materials, printed) , [撰文]
夏卡爾 愛在飛翔 = Love and nostalgia by Marc Chagall by: 俄國; 夏卡爾 ((Chagall, Marc, 1887-1985)); 奚靜之; 龐靜平 (Language materials, printed) , [圖說]
黃金英雄榜 : 希臘羅馬神話; 英雄 by: 何恭上; 龐靜平 (Language materials, printed) , [撰文]
希臘羅馬神話 = The heroes and lovers in mythology. 愛情英雄篇 by: 何恭上; 龐靜平 (Language materials, printed) , [撰文]
永恆試鍊 : 聖.安東尼的誘惑 by: 何恭上; 劉振源; 聖安東尼 ((St. Anthony)); 龐靜平 (Language materials, printed) , [撰文]
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