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紐敦 ((Newton, Joseph. F.))

Works: 0 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
讓心中陽光燦爛 : 「希望」是看見陽光的心靈眼睛 by: Newton, Joseph. F.; 紐敦 ((Newton, Joseph. F.)) (Language materials, printed) , [著]
用信心面對人生 = Use Confidence to Face Your Life : 自信是對自我能力的肯定和信賴 by: Newton, Joseph. F; 林若芸; 紐敦 ((Newton, Joseph. F.)) (Language materials, printed) , [著]
賞識自己 = Appreciate Yourself : 你就是自己人生中的最佳鑑賞者 by: Newton, Joseph. F.; 林若芸; 牛頓 ((Newton, Joseph. F.)); 紐敦 ((Newton, Joseph. F.)) (Language materials, printed) , [著]
用能力創造魅力 = Make more cham with your ability : 有能力的人, 不一定有魅力 by: Newton, Joseph. F.; 林若芸; 紐敦 ((Newton, Joseph. F.)) (Language materials, printed) , [著]
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