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Works: 31 works in 31 publications in 1 languages
佛教之危機 : 敬答藏密上師及顯教大法師之質疑 by: 蕭平實 (Language materials, printed)
起信論講記 = A Discourse on the Treatise on Awakening of Faith by: 平實居士; 蕭平實 (Language materials, printed) , [講述]
宗通與說通 = Mastery of School Tenets and : 成佛之道 by: 平實導師; 蕭平實 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
禪淨圓融 by: 蕭平實 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
真實如來藏 by: 蕭平實 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
阿含正義 = The Correct Meanings of the Agama Sturas : 唯識學探源 by: 平實導師; 蕭平實 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
念佛三昧修學次第 by: 林璧媛; 蕭平實 (Language materials, printed) , [講述]
禪 : 悟前與悟後 by: 張鈴音; 華藝數位股份有限公司; 蕭平實 (Electronic resources) , [講述]
邪見與佛法 : 當今台灣之邪說、外道、及佛弟子應有之認識 by: 蕭平實 (Language materials, printed) , [演述]
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