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Works: 1 works in 6 publications in 1 languages
學校體育教材教法與評量 = Teaching methods, materials and evaluation of physical education : 體操; gymnastics by: 國立臺灣師大體育研究與發展中心; 林靜萍; 黃月嬋 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
學校體育教材教法與評量 = Teaching methods, materials and evaluation of physical education : 籃球; basketball by: 國立臺灣師大體育研究與發展中心; 林正達; 林靜萍 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
學校體育教材教法與評量 = Teaching methods, materials and evaluation of physical education : 體育常識; physical education knowledge by: 國立臺灣師大體育研究與發展中心; 曹瑞成; 林靜萍 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
學校體育教材教法與評量 = Teaching methods, materials and evaluation of physical education : 桌球; table tennis by: 國立臺灣師大體育研究與發展中心; 林靜萍; 胡志鋒; 黃俊偉 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
學校體育教材教法與評量 = Teaching methods, materials and evaluation of physical education : 游泳; swimming by: 國立臺灣師大體育研究與發展中心; 張川鈴; 林靜萍 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
學校體育教材教法與評量 = Teaching methods, materials and evaluation of physical education:track & field : 田徑 by: 國立臺灣師大體育研究與發展中心; 施登堯; 林淑惠; 林靜萍 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
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