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李維 ((Reeves, Keanu))

Works: 10 works in 16 publications in 4 languages
駭客任務 = Ma trix by: Fishburne, Laurence; Reeves, Keanu; Wachowski, Andy; Wachowski, Larry; 李維 ((Reeves, Keanu)); 華卓斯基 ((Wachowski, Andy)); 華卓斯基 ((Wachowski, Larry)); 費希波那 ((Fishburne, Laurence)) (Projected and video material)
康斯坦汀 = Constantine : 驅魔神探 by: Lawrence, Francis; Reeves, Keanu; Weisz, Rachel; 懷茲 ((Weisz, Rachel)); 李維 ((Reeves, Keanu)); 羅倫斯 ((Lawrence, Francis)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
跳越時空的情書 = The lake house by: Aghdashloo, Shohreh; Agresti, Alejandro; Bullock, Sandra.; Plummmer, Christopher.; Reeves, Keanu.; Walsh, Dylan.; 布拉克 ((Bullock, Sandra)); 李維 ((Reeves, Keanu)); 柏麥 ((Plummmer, Christopher)); 艾妲希露 ((Aghdashloo, Shohreh)); 華許 ((Walsh, Dylan)); 阿奎斯提 ((Agresti, Alejandro)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
愛你在心眼難開 = Something's gotta give by: Keaton, Diane; Meyers, Nancy; Nicholson, Jack; Reeves, Keanu; 基頓 ((Keaton, Diane)); 尼克遜 ((Nicholson, Jack)); 李維 ((Reeves, Keanu)); 梅爾 ((Meyers, Nancy)); 麥葉斯 ((Meyers, Nancy)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
當地球停止轉動 = The Day the Earth Stood Still by: Bates, Kathy; Connolly, Jennifer; Derrickson, Scott; Reeves, Keanu; 康納莉 ((Connolly, Jennifer)); 德瑞克森 ((Derrickson, Scott)); 李維 ((Reeves, Keanu)); 貝茲 ((Bates, Kathy)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
心機掃描 = A scanner darkly by: Downey Jr., Robert; Linklater, Richard; Reeves, Keanu; 李維 ((Reeves, Keanu)); 林克勒特 ((Linklater, Richard)); 林克萊克 ((Linklater, Richard)); 道尼 ((Downey Jr., Robert)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
連鎖反應 = Chain reaction by: Davis, Andrew.; Freeman, Morgan.; Reeves, Keanu.; 戴維斯 ((Davis, Andrew)); 李維 ((Reeves, Keanu)); 費曼 ((Freeman, Morgan)) (Projected and video material)
捍衛機密 = Johnny Mnemonic by: Gibson, William (1948- .); Longo, Robert.; Lundgren, Dolph.; Reeves, Keanu.; 吉布生 ((Gibson, William, 1948- )); 李維 ((Reeves, Keanu)); 隆德格蘭 ((Lundgren, Dolph)); 隆戈 ((Longo, Robert)) (Projected and video material)
駭客任務完結篇 = The Matrix reloaded : 最後戰役 by: Moss, Carrie-Anne; Reeves, Keanu; Wachowski, Andy; Wachowski, Larry; 摩絲 ((Moss, Carrie-Anne)); 李維 ((Reeves, Keanu)); 華卓斯基 ((Wachowski, Andy)); 華卓斯基 ((Wachowski, Larry)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
正義悍將 = Street Kings by: Ayer, David; Evans, Chris; Reeves, Keanu; Whitaker, Forest; 伊凡 ((Evans, Chris)); 厄爾 ((Ayer, David)); 懷特克 ((Whitaker, Forest)); 李維 ((Reeves, Keanu)); 艾爾 ((Ayer, David)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
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