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莫克希 ((Mulcahy, Russell))

Works: 5 works in 5 publications in 2 languages
惡靈古堡 = Resident evil : Extinction; 大滅絕. III by: Fehr, Oded; Jovovich, Milla; Larter, Ali; Mulcahy, Russell; 喬薇琪 ((Jovovich, Milla)); 莫克希 ((Mulcahy, Russell)); 萊特 ((Larter, Ali)); 衛特 ((Witt, Alexander)); 費爾 ((Fehr, Oded)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
暗夜追殺令 = Resurrection by: Lambert, Christopher; Mulcahy, Russell; Orser, Leland; Tyson, Barbara; 奧斯爾 ((Orser, Leland)); 泰遜 ((Tyson, Barbara)); 莫克希 ((Mulcahy, Russell)); 藍柏特 ((Lambert, Christopher)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
泳往直前 = Swimming upstream by: Mulcahy, Russell; 莫克希 ((Mulcahy, Russell)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
時空奇兵 = Highl anderii by: Mulcahy, Russell; 莫克希 ((Mulcahy, Russell)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
為巴比祈禱 = Prayers for Bobby by: Ganczewski, Damian; Mulcahy, Russell; Original, Victor DuBois; 奧里居諾 ((Original, Victor DuBois)); 甘澤斯基 ((Ganczewski, Damian)); 莫克希 ((Mulcahy, Russell)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
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