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海恩茲 ((Hines, Gary))

Works: 4 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
鐵達尼號大搜查 = Titanic by: Andorfer, Gregory; Cohen, David H.; Elisco, David; Hines, Gary; 安多佛 ((Andorfer, Gregory)); 柯恩 ((Cohen, David H.)); 海恩茲 ((Hines, Gary)); 艾利斯可 ((Elisco, David)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
鐵達尼號真相大白 = Titanic:untold stories by: Andorfer, Gregory; Elisco, David.; Hines, Gary.; 安東佛 ((Andorfer, Gregory)); 海恩茲 ((Hines, Gary)); 艾利斯科 ((Elisco, David)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
鐵達尼號沈船記 = Titanic:anatomy of a disaster by: Andorfer, Gregory; Elisco, David.; Hines, Gary.; 安東佛 ((Andorfer, Gregory)); 海恩茲 ((Hines, Gary)); 艾利斯科 ((Elisco, David)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
鐵達尼號大搜尋 = Titanic:the investigation begins by: Andorfer, Gregory; Elisco, David.; Hines, Gary.; 安東佛 ((Andorfer, Gregory)); 海恩茲 ((Hines, Gary)); 艾利斯科 ((Elisco, David)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
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