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泰瑞爾 ((Tyrer, Allan))

Works: 1 works in 9 publications in 1 languages
文明的沈思 = Civilisation. 8; 八. the light of experience; 經驗之光(中文版) by: Gill, Michael; Montagnon, Peter; Tyrer, Allan; 吉爾 ((Gill, Michael)); 泰瑞爾 ((Tyrer, Allan)); 蒙太農 ((Montagnon, Peter)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
文明的沈思 = Civilisation. 七; 7. 崇高與服從(中文版); grandeur and obedience by: Gill, Michael; Montagnon, Peter; Tyrer, Allan; 吉爾 ((Gill, Michael)); 泰瑞爾 ((Tyrer, Allan)); 蒙太農 ((Montagnon, Peter)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
文明的沈思 = Civilisation. 6; 六. proest and communication; 宗教改革和思想傳播(中文版) by: Gill, Michael; Montagnon, Peter; Tyrer, Allan; 吉爾 ((Gill, Michael)); 泰瑞爾 ((Tyrer, Allan)); 蒙太農 ((Montagnon, Peter)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
文明的沈思 = Civilisation. 5; 五. the hero as artist; 藝術家中的英雄(中文版) by: Gill, Michael; Montagnon, Peter; Tyrer, Allan; 吉爾 ((Gill, Michael)); 泰瑞爾 ((Tyrer, Allan)); 蒙太農 ((Montagnon, Peter)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
文明的沈思 = Civilisation. 13; 十三. heroic materialism; 英雄式物質主義(中文版) by: Gill, Michael; Montagnon, Peter; Tyrer, Allan; 吉爾 ((Gill, Michael)); 泰瑞爾 ((Tyrer, Allan)); 蒙太農 ((Montagnon, Peter)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
文明的沈思 = Civilisation. 12; 十二. the fallacies of hope; 希望的謬誤(中文版) by: Gill, Michael; Montagnon, Peter; Tyrer, Allan; 吉爾 ((Gill, Michael)); 泰瑞爾 ((Tyrer, Allan)); 蒙太農 ((Montagnon, Peter)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
文明的沈思 = Civilisation. 11; 十一. the worship of nature; 自然的崇拜(中文版) by: Gill, Michael; Montagnon, Peter; Turner, Ann; Tyrer, Allan; 吉爾 ((Gill, Michael)); 泰瑞爾 ((Tyrer, Allan)); 特納 ((Turner, Ann)); 蒙太農 ((Montagnon, Peter)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
文明的沈思 = Civilisation. 10; 十. the smile of reason; 理性的微笑(中文版) by: Gill, Michael; Montagnon, Peter; Tyrer, Allan; 吉爾 ((Gill, Michael)); 泰瑞爾 ((Tyrer, Allan)); 蒙太農 ((Montagnon, Peter)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
文明的沈思 = Civilisation. 9; 九. the pursuit of happiness; 快樂的追逐(中文版) by: Gill, Michael; Montagnon, Peter; Tyrer, Allan; 吉爾 ((Gill, Michael)); 泰瑞爾 ((Tyrer, Allan)); 蒙太農 ((Montagnon, Peter)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
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