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Smith, Simon J.

Works: 1 works in 5 publications in 4 languages
蜂電影 = Bee movie by: Bates, Kathy; Feresten, Spike; Hickner, Steve; Marder, Barry; Seinfeld, Jerry; Smith, Simon J.; Zellweger, Renee; 盛菲德 ((Seinfeld, Jerry)); 貝茲 ((Bates, Kathy)); 齊薇格 ((Zellweger, Renee)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
馬達加斯加爆走企鵝 = The Penguins of Madagascar by: Darnell, Eric; Smith, Simon J.; 史密斯 ((Smith, Simon J.)); 達奈爾 ((Darnell, Eric)) (Projected and video material)
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