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Kotsis, Gabriele.

作品: 0 作品在 5 項出版品 1 種語言
Advances in mobile computing and multimedia intelligence20th International Conference, MoMM 2022, virtual event, November 28-30, 2022 : proceedings / by: (1998 :); Haghighi, Pari Delir.; Khalil, Ismail.; Kotsis, Gabriele.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Database and expert systems applications - DEXA 2021 WorkshopsBIOKDD, IWCFS, MLKgraphs, AI-CARES, ProTime, AISys 2021, virtual event, September 27-30, 2021 : proceedings / by: (1998 :); International Workshop on AI System Engineering: Math, Modelling and Software (2021 :); International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Clean, Affordable and Reliable Energy Supply (2021 :); International Workshop on Biological Knowledge Discovery from Data (2021 :); International Workshop on Cyber-Security and Functional Safety in Cyber-Physical Systems (2021 :); International Workshop on Machine Learning and Knowledge Graphs (2021 :); International Workshop on Time Ordered Data (2021 :); Kotsis, Gabriele.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)