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裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina))

Works: 14 works in 27 publications in 8 languages
人骨拼圖 = The bone collector by: Jolie, Angelina; Noyce, Philip; Washington, Denzel; 華盛頓 ((Washington, Denzel)); 裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina)); 諾斯 ((Noyce, Philip)) (Projected and video material)
枕邊陷阱 = Original Sin by: 克利斯多佛 ((Cristofer, Michael)); 班德拉斯 ((Banderas, Antonio)); 裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
那些人,那些事 : 安潔莉娜.裘莉親善大使日記 by: Jolie, Angelina; 吳妍; 蘇有薇; 裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina)) (Language materials, printed) , [著]
黑魔女 = Maleficent : 沈睡魔咒 by: Fanning, Elle; Jolie, Angelina; Rønning, Joachim; Stromberg, Robert; 史壯柏格 ((Stromberg, Robert)); 芬妮 ((Fanning, Elle)); 裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
驚天動地60秒 = Gone in 60 seconds by: Cage, Nicolas.; Duvall, Robert.; Jolie, Angelina.; Ribisi, Giovanni.; Sena, Dominic.; 卡基 ((Cage, Nicolas)); 杜瓦 ((Duvall, Robert)); 瑞比西 ((Ribisi, Giovanni)); 裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina)); 謝納 ((Sena, Dominic)) (Projected and video material)
永不屈服 = Unbroken by: Coen, Joel; Gleeson, Domhnall; Hedlund, Garrett; Hillenbrand, Laura; Jolie, Angelina; O'Connell, Jack; Townsend, Clayton; 希倫布蘭德 ((Hillenbrand, Laura)); 庫恩 ((Coen, Joel)); 歐康納 ((O'Connell, Jack)); 湯生 ((Townsend, Clayton)); 荷德倫 ((Hedlund, Garrett)); 葛里森 ((Gleeson, Domhnall)); 裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina)) (Projected and video material) , [導演.製片]
陌生的孩子 = Changeling by: Eastwood, Clinton; Jolie, Angelina; Malkovich, John; 伊斯威特 ((Eastwood, Clinton)); 伊斯特伍德 ((Eastwood, Clinton)); 裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina)); 馬克維奇 ((Malkovich, John)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
功夫熊貓. 3 by: Black, Jack; Carloni, Alessandro; Cranston, Bryan; Cross, David; Hoffman, Dustin; Joie, Angelina; Nelson, Jennifer Yuh; Rogen, Seth; Simmons, J. K.; 克羅素 ((Cross, David)); 克蘭斯頓 ((Cranston, Bryan)); 劉玉玲; 卡洛尼 ((Carloni, Alessandro)); 吳漢章; 尼爾森 ((Nelson, Jennifer Yuh)); 布萊克 ((Black, Jack)); 成龍; 納爾遜 ((Nelson, Jennifer Yuh)); 羅根 ((Rogen, Seth)); 裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina)); 西蒙斯 ((Simmons, J. K.)); 霍夫曼 ((Hoffman, Dustin)) (Projected and video material) , [配音]
功夫熊貓. 2 by: Black, Jack; Cross, David; Garber, Victor; Hoffman, Dustin; Jolie, Angelina; Nelson, Jennifer Yuh; Oldman, Gary; Rogen, Seth; Van Damme, Jean-Claude; Woods, James; 伍德 ((Woods, James)); 克羅素 ((Cross, David)); 劉玉玲; 吳漢章; 尼爾森 ((Nelson, Jennifer Yuh)); 布萊克 ((Black, Jack)); 成龍; 楊紫瓊; 歐德曼 ((Oldman, Gary)); 納爾遜 ((Nelson, Jennifer Yuh)); 羅根 ((Rogen, Seth)); 范.達美 ((Van Damme, Jean-Claude)); 裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina)); 賈博 ((Garber, Victor)); 霍夫曼 ((Hoffman, Dustin)) (Projected and video material) , [配音]
古墓奇兵 = Lara croft tomb raider by: Craig, Daniel; Glen, Iain; Jolie, Angelina; Taylor, Noah; Voight, Jon; West, Simon; 克雷格 ((Craig, Daniel)); 威斯特 ((West, Simon)); 沃特 ((Voight, Jon)); 泰勒 ((Taylor, Noah)); 葛蘭 ((Glen, Iain)); 裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
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