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Bondavalli, Andrea.

Works: 1 works in 3 publications in 1 languages
Dependable computing EDCC-44th European Dependable Computing Conference, Toulouse, France, October 23-25, 2002 : proceedings / by: (1998 :); Bondavalli, Andrea.; SpringerLink (Online service); Thevenod-Fosse, Pascale. (Electronic resources)
Cyber-physical systems of systemsfoundations - a conceptual model and some derivations: the AMADEOS legacy / by: Bondavalli, Andrea.; Bouchenak, Sara.; Kopetz, Hermann.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Computer safety, reliability, and securitySAFECOMP 2014 Workshops: ASCoMS, DECSoS, DEVVARTS, ISSE, ReSA4CI, SASSUR. Florence, Italy, September 8-9, 2014 : proceedings / by: (1998 :); Bondavalli, Andrea.; Ceccarelli, Andrea.; Ortmeier, Frank.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Computer safety, reliability, and security33rd International Conference, SAFECOMP 2014, Florence, Italy, September 10-12, 2014 : proceedings / by: (1998 :); Bondavalli, Andrea.; Di Giandomenico, Felicita.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Language materials, printed)
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