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麥李歐 ((McLeod, Ewen))

Works: 1 works in 5 publications in 1 languages
網路爭霸戰 = Download : the true story of the internet. 3. 電子商務; bubble by: Jones, Julian; McLeod, Ewen; Milton, Molly; Mordue, Roland; Sen, Paul; 密爾頓 ((Milton, Molly)); 摩杜 ((Mordue, Roland)); 沈恩 ((Sen, Paul)); 瓊斯 ((Jones, Julian)); 麥李歐 ((McLeod, Ewen)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
網路爭霸戰 = Download : the true story of the internet. 4. 社群力量; people power by: Jones, Julian; McLeod, Ewen; Milton, Molly; Sen, Paul; 密爾頓 ((Milton, Molly)); 沈恩 ((Sen, Paul)); 瓊斯 ((Jones, Julian)); 麥李歐 ((McLeod, Ewen)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
網路爭霸戰 = Downlo@d : the true story of the internet. 1. 瀏覽器之爭; brower wars by: Jones, Julian; Lawrence, Kai; McLeod, Ewen; Milton, Molly; Sen, Paul; 勞倫斯 ((Lawrence, Kai)); 密爾頓 ((Milton, Molly)); 沈恩 ((Sen, Paul)); 瓊斯 ((Jones, Julian)); 麥李歐 ((McLeod, Ewen)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
海上城市 = Building sea city : 沙漠國度-科威特正上演一場建築大革命! by: Craig, Phil; McLeod, Ewen; Ward, Nicholas; 克萊格 ((Craig, Phil)); 華德 ((Ward, Nicholas)); 麥李歐 ((McLeod, Ewen)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
網路爭霸戰 = Download : the true story of the internet. 2. 搜尋大戰; search by: Jones, Julian; McLeod, Ewen; Milton, Molly; Mordue, Roland; Rainton, Gleen; Sen, Paul; 密爾頓 ((Milton, Molly)); 摩杜 ((Mordue, Roland)); 沈恩 ((Sen, Paul)); 瓊斯 ((Jones, Julian)); 芮恩頓 ((Rainton, Gleen)); 麥李歐 ((McLeod, Ewen)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
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