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布魯 ((Bloom, Orlando))

Works: 4 works in 5 publications in 2 languages
特洛伊 = Troy : 木馬屠城記 by: Bana, Eric; Bean, Sean; Bloom, Orlando; Petersen, Wolfgang; Pitt, Brad; 布魯 ((Bloom, Orlando)); 彼特 ((Pitt, Brad)); 恩賓 ((Bean, Sean)); 班納 ((Bana, Eric)); 皮特森 ((Petersen, Wolfgang)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
王者天下 = Kingdom of heaven by: Bloom, Orlando; Csokas, Marton; Edward, Norton; Gleeson, Brendan; Green, Eva; Irons, Jeremy; Neeson, Liam; Scott, Ridley; Thewlis, David; 休里斯 ((Thewlis, David)); 史考特 ((Scott, Ridley)); 尼遜 ((Neeson, Liam)); 布魯 ((Bloom, Orlando)); 索柯斯 ((Csokas, Marton)); 艾朗 ((Irons, Jeremy)); 葛林 ((Green, Eva)); 葛里森 ((Gleeson, Brendan)); 諾頓 ((Edward, Norton)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
神鬼奇航 : 鬼盜船魔咒. 1 by: Bloom, Orlando; Knightley, Keira; Rush, Geoffrey; Verbinski, Gore; 奈特莉 ((Knightley, Keira)); 布魯 ((Bloom, Orlando)); 洛許 ((Rush, Geoffrey)); 維賓斯基 ((Verbinski, Gore)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
神鬼奇航 : 加勒比海盜. 2 by: Bloom, Orlando; Depp, Johnny; Knightley, Keira; Verbinski, Gore; 奈特莉 ((Knightley, Keira)); 布魯 ((Bloom, Orlando)); 戴普 ((Depp, Johnny)); 維賓斯基 ((Verbinski, Gore)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
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