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白法 ((Buffa, Peter F.))

Works: 1 works in 26 publications in 1 languages
科學的足跡 = The mechanical universe...and beyond. 系列一; [7]; 能量守恆; 位能; [7]; conservation on energy; potential energy by: Buffa, Peter F.; Lattanzio, Robert; Robison, Jacki; Rothschild, Mark; Stanton, Jill; 史丹頓 ((Stanton, Jill)); 拉坦齊歐 ((Lattanzio, Robert)); 白法 ((Buffa, Peter F.)); 羅斯契德 ((Rothschild, Mark)); 羅比森 ((Robison, Jacki)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
科學的足跡 = The mechanical universe...and beyond. 系列一; [6]; 重力⋅電力及磁力; 密立根的實驗; [6]; gravity, eletricity, magnetism; the Milikan experiment by: Buffa, Peter F.; Moore, Rick; Robison, Jacki; Rothschild, Mark; Stanton, Jill; 史丹頓 ((Stanton, Jill)); 白法 ((Buffa, Peter F.)); 羅斯契德 ((Rothschild, Mark)); 羅比森 ((Robison, Jacki)); 莫耳 ((Moore, Rick)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
科學的足跡 = The mechanical universe...and beyond. 系列一; [9]; 共振; 波; [9]; resonance; waves by: Beaty, Sally V.; Buffa, Peter F.; Cook, Keith; Stanton, Jill; 史丹頓 ((Stanton, Jill)); 庫克 ((Cook, Keith)); 畢蒂 ((Beaty, Sally V.)); 白法 ((Buffa, Peter F.)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
科學的足跡 = The mechanical universe...and beyond. 系列一; [8]; 動量守恆; 簡諧運動; [8]; conservation on momentum; harmonic motion by: Buffa, Peter F.; Collector, Skip; Moore, Rick; Robinson, Peter; Robison, Jacki; Rothschild, Mark A.; 柯勒克特 ((Collector, Skip)); 白法 ((Buffa, Peter F.)); 羅斯契德 ((Rothschild, Mark A.)); 羅比森 ((Robison, Jacki)); 羅賓遜 ((Robinson, Peter)); 莫耳 ((Moore, Rick)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
科學的足跡 = The mechanical universe...and beyond. 系列一; [3]; 向量; 牛頓三大定律; [3]; vectors; Newton's law by: Buffa, Peter F.; Ogden, Chris; Robinson, Peter; Robison, Jacki; Rothschild, Mark; 奧格登 ((Ogden, Chris)); 白法 ((Buffa, Peter F.)); 羅斯契德 ((Rothschild, Mark)); 羅比森 ((Robison, Jacki)); 羅賓遜 ((Robinson, Peter)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
科學的足跡 = The mechanical universe...and beyond. 系列一; [2]; 導數與微分; 慣性; [2]; derivative; inertia by: Buffa, Peter F.; Collector, Skip; Robison, Jacki; Rothschild, Mark; Stanton, Jill; 史丹頓 ((Stanton, Jill)); 柯勒克特 ((Collector, Skip)); 白法 ((Buffa, Peter F.)); 羅斯契德 ((Rothschild, Mark)); 羅比森 ((Robison, Jacki)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
科學的足跡 = The mechanical universe...and beyond. 系列一; [5]; 圓周運動; 基本作用力; [5]; moving in circles; fundmental forces by: Buffa, Peter F.; Moore, Rick; Rothschild, Mark; 白法 ((Buffa, Peter F.)); 羅斯契德 ((Rothschild, Mark)); 莫耳 ((Moore, Rick)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
科學的足跡 = The mechanical universe...and beyond. 系列一; [4]; 積分; 蘋果與月球(地心引力); [4]; integration; the apple and the moon by: Buffa, Peter F.; Moore, Rick; Ogden, Chris; Robison, Jacki; Rothschild, Mark; 奧格登 ((Ogden, Chris)); 白法 ((Buffa, Peter F.)); 羅斯契德 ((Rothschild, Mark)); 羅比森 ((Robison, Jacki)); 莫耳 ((Moore, Rick)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
科學的足跡 = The mechanical universe...and beyond. 系列一; [1]; 科學的足跡-力學宇宙緒論; 自由落體; [1]; introduction to the mechanical universe; the law of fallig by: Beaty, Sally V.; Buffa, Peter F.; Moore, Rick; Robinson, Peter; 畢蒂 ((Beaty, Sally V.)); 白法 ((Buffa, Peter F.)); 穆爾 ((Moore, Rick)); 羅賓遜 ((Robinson, Peter)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
科學的足跡 = The mechanical universe...and beyond. 51. 系列二; [26]; 從原子到夸克; 量子力學宇宙; from atoms to Quarks; 52; the quantum mechanical universe by: Buffa, Peter F.; Schnuckel, Brian; 施奴凱爾 ((Schnuckel, Brian)); 白法 ((Buffa, Peter F.)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
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