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佩斯 ((Paces, S.E.))

Works: 7 works in 14 publications in 2 languages
天方夜譚 = Tales from the Arabian Nights by: Paces, S.E.; 佩斯 ((Paces, S.E.)) (Language materials, printed) , [編]
環遊世界八十天 = Round the Warld in Eighty Days by: Paces, S.E.; Verne, Jules; 佩斯 ((Paces, S.E.)); 韋恩 ((Verne, Jules)) (Language materials, printed) , [改寫]
咆嘯山莊 = Wuthering Heights by: Bronte, Emily; Paces, S.E.; 佩斯 ((Paces, S.E.)); 勃朗提 ((Bronte, Emily)) (Language materials, printed) , [改寫]
傲慢與偏見 = Pride and Prejudice by: Austen, Jane ; Paces, S.E.; 佩斯 ((Paces, S.E.)); 奧斯登 ((Austen, Jane)) (Language materials, printed) , [改寫]
所羅門王寶藏 = King Solomon's Mines by: Paces, S.E.; Rider, Haggard; 佩斯 ((Paces, S.E.)); 海格爾 ((Haggard, Rider)) (Language materials, printed) , [改寫]
小婦人 = Little Womaen by: Alcott, Louisa May; Paces, S.E.; 佩斯 ((Paces, S.E.)); 阿考特(Alcott, Louisa May) (Language materials, printed) , [改寫]
增達的囚人 = The Prisoner of Zenda by: Hope, Anthony; Paces, S.E.; 佩斯 ((Paces, S.E.)); 霍普 ((Anthony, Hope)) (Language materials, printed) , [改寫]
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