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Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi.

Works: 1 works in 5 publications in 1 languages
Finnish early childhood education and carea multi-theoretical perspective on research and practice / by: Garvis, Susanne.; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi.; Kangas, Jonna.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Special education in the early yearsperspectives on policy and practice in the Nordic countries / by: Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich.; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi.; SpringerLink (Online service); Sundqvist, Christel. (Electronic resources)
Nordic families, children and early childhood education by: Garvis, Susanne.; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi.; Sheridan, Sonja.; SpringerLink (Online service); Williams, Pia. (Electronic resources)
Assessing and evaluating early childhood education systems by: Garvis, Susanne.; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi.; Kangas, Jonna.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Monitoring student achievement in the 21st CenturyEuropean policy perspectives and assessment strategies / by: Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi.; McElvany, Nele.; SpringerLink (Online service); Stang, Justine. (Electronic resources)
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