Pernul, Gunther.
Works: | 0 works in 7 publications in 1 languages |
Trust, privacy and security in digital business15th International Conference, TrustBus 2018, Regensburg, Germany, September 5-6, 2018 : proceedings /
(1998 :); Furnell, Steven.; Mouratidis, Haralambos.; Pernul, Gunther.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Trust, privacy, and security in digital business11th International Conference, TrustBus 2014, Munich, Germany, September 2-3, 2014 : proceedings /
(1998 :); Eckert, Claudia.; Katsikas, Sokratis K.; Pernul, Gunther.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Data and applications security and privacy XXVIII28th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference, DBSec 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 14-16, 2014 : proceedings /
(1998 :); Atluri, Vijay.; Pernul, Gunther.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Electronic commerce and web technologiesfirst international conference, EC-Web 2000, London, UK, September 4-6, 2000 : proceedings /
(1998 :); Bauknecht, Kurt.; Madria, Sanjay Kumar.; Pernul, Gunther.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Electronic commerce and Web technologiessecond international conference, EC-WEB 2001, Munich, Germany, September 4-6, 2001 : proceedings /
(1998 :); Bauknecht, Kurt.; Madria, Sanjay Kumar.; Pernul, Gunther.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Public key infrastructures, services and applications8th European Workshop, EuroPKI 2011, Leuven, Belgium, September 15-16, 2011, Revised selected papers /
(1998 :); Pashalidis, Andreas.; Pernul, Gunther.; Petkova-Nikova, Svetla.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Trust, privacy and security in digital business8th international conference, TrustBus 2011, Toulouse, France, August 29 - September 2, 2011 : proceedings /
(1998 :); Furnell, Steven.; Lambrinoudakis, Costas.; Pernul, Gunther.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Trust, privacy and security in digital business6th international conference, TrustBus 2009, Linz, Austria, September 3-4, 2009 : proceedings /
(1998 :); Fischer-Hubner, Simone.; Lambrinoudakis, Costas.; Pernul, Gunther.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Computer security - ESORICS 201520th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Vienna, Austria, September 21-25, 2015 : proceedings.Part I /
(1998 :); Pernul, Gunther.; Ryan, Peter Y A.; SpringerLink (Online service); Weippl, Edgar.
(Electronic resources)
Computer security - ESORICS 201520th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Vienna, Austria, September 21-25, 2015 : proceedings.Part II /
(1998 :); Pernul, Gunther.; Ryan, Peter Y A.; SpringerLink (Online service); Weippl, Edgar.
(Electronic resources)
Advances in conceptual modeling-challenging perspectivesER 2009 Workshops CoMoL, ETheCoM, FP-UML, MOST-ONISW, Qo1S, RIGiM, SeCoGIS, Gramado, Brazil, November 9-12, 2009 : proceedings /
(1998 :); Heuser, Carlos Alberto.; Pernul, Gunther.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
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Software Engineering.
Software engineering
Computer Science, general.
Computer security.
Business enterprises
Relational databases
Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems.
Data protection
Management of Computing and Information Systems.
Database design
Conceptual structures (Information theory)
Database Management.
Programming Techniques.
Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity.
ublic key infrastructure (Computer security)
Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet)
Computers and civilization.
Information Storage and Retrieval.
Data encryption (Computer science)
Electronic commerce
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.
Database security
Management information systems.
Computer security
Business Information Systems.
Data Encryption.
World Wide Web
Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet)
Computer networks
Systems and Data Security.
Computer Science.
Computer Communication Networks.
Computers and Society.
Computer science.