地方自治團體執行委辦事項之資訊公開 = A Research on Op...


  • 地方自治團體執行委辦事項之資訊公開 = A Research on Openness of Information relating Aufrag executed by Local Self-government Agency
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: A Research on Openness of Information relating Aufrag executed by Local Self-government Agency
    Author: 林錦輝,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2008[民97]
    Description: 163面圖,表 : 30公分;
    Subject: 地方自治
    Subject: local self-government
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/19615635583215577585
    Notes: 指導教授:紀振清
    Notes: 參考書目:面143-152
    Summary: 近代民主憲政國家之建立,莫不以水平的權力分立以求制衡,並兼採垂直的權力分立,使地方自治團體在國家體制下享有一定之自主權。隨著社會快速變遷及政府職能之擴增,人民無論參與公共政策、監督政府施政作為,抑或純作市場消費,均有賴大量且正確之資訊。 政府是資訊的最大擁有者,在資訊不對稱之情形下,惟有透過政府將資訊公開來補充,以達施政公開化與透明化並促進資訊之合理運用。然,於地方自治團體執行中央機關委辦事務,則與該事務相關之資訊,地方居民究應依政府資訊公開法,或地方制度法第16條請求資訊公開,則有待釐清。 在中央與地方權限劃分上,仍應以憲法第10章為劃分依據,準此,委辦事項僅存在於憲法第108條中央立法而交由直轄市與縣(市)執行之事項,及第111條事務具全國一致性質而由中央交直轄市與縣(市)執行之事項。然實務上常出現的一個疏漏,即委辦與委託用詞不分,其區別乃前者機關間有隸屬關係,後者則無。資訊公開來自知的權利,雖知的權利在憲法上定位不明,然回溯其來源,乃由表現自由所生,將表現自由延展後,可將知的權利納入保護之射程範圍內。 權限劃分與資訊公開相配合後,則應可認為若係地方自治團體之自治事項,因與地方住民生活息息相關,地方住民可依地方制度法請求地方政府資訊公開;若係委辦事項,因亦係由地方自治團體執行,為達成地方自治之目的,確保住民主體性、反映地域民情需要及樹立民主政治基礎,地方自治須以地方住民為本位作保護方向。在地方資訊公開及豁免公開方面,為避免法定代表說之天然缺陷,應以地方住民為考慮重心,由地方立法,而在救濟上應先考慮到住民之權利,俾能尊重並保護地方住民知的權利。 Modern democratic constitutional states adopt the ways of horizontal and vertical check-and-balance to enable local self-government to work autonomy. Separation of powers between Central and Local government, should still stand on The Constitution Chapter 10.Accordingly, commissioned matters only exist in The Constitution Article 108 and Article 111. While dealing with commissioned matters, It has not yet been clarified local villagers should ask local self-government to make the information disclosure by the Law of Openness of Government Information, or Local Government Systems Act. The freedom of information came from the (people’s) right to know. Because the right to know was born by the freedom of expression(esp. for the freedom of speech), and we incorporate the former(the right) into the latter(the freedom). To ensure local villagers’ right to know, they could ask local self-government to make the information about self-governing matters can be open to the public. Commissioned matters were executed by local self-government, in order to reflect the local manners, making the information to the local villagers must take as a core value.
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