新聞自由‧知的權利與資訊公開-自新聞媒體角度為觀察 = Freedom ...


  • 新聞自由‧知的權利與資訊公開-自新聞媒體角度為觀察 = Freedom of the Press‧Right to Know And Openness of Information-a Viewpoint From News Media
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Freedom of the Press‧Right to Know And Openness of Information-a Viewpoint From News Media
    作者: 康騟銘,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2008[民97]
    面頁冊數: 165面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 新聞媒體
    標題: news media
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/48418459123129701436
    附註: 指導教授:紀振清
    附註: 參考書目:面123-127
    摘要註: 憲法基本人權保障係為人性尊嚴而存在,而資訊之產生運用,則為提升人類生活層次與品質,易言之,因資訊之發展運用,可使人類提升更高層次生活品質,相對而言,其生存尊嚴亦獲得提昇;然隨著資訊科技發展,除了帶來方便性外,亦伴隨許多相關法律問題產生,因此,在資訊此一新興議題上,即有加以探討必要。 就資訊內容為分析,可概分為公共與私人二大領域,原則上公共領域資訊應公開,以利人民監督與參與,私人領域則應保護,然而政府所擁有公共領域資訊,亦有部分參雜私人資料,此部分是否以「公共利益」一詞即可要求私人隱私權退讓?又私人領域部份如涉及公眾人物,其資訊隱私是否應將限縮?區分一般民眾與公眾人物資訊隱私是否有其必要,或者僅以「牽涉公共議題」即可判斷該資訊隱私保護範圍? 誠然,資訊公開法係以滿足人民有「知的權利」為立法基礎,因此,從「知的權利」去探求資訊公開相關問題應屬正確方向,且自其保護範圍以探求資訊公開與保護之界限應屬可採方法;另「新聞自由」與「知的權利」有密不可分關係,蓋資訊流通,人民資訊之取得,絕大部分仰賴媒體之傳佈,亦即,「新聞自由」係為滿足及實踐「知的權利」,所賦予之制度性或工具性保障,因此「新聞自由」此一子題亦應予以說明。 故此,本論文即以新聞自由、知的權利與資訊公開制度三部份為主要探討範圍,首自「新聞自由」開展,先介紹該法理基礎依據及其具體內容,進而探討分析與「知的權利」間之關聯性,說明其在新聞自由概念下之重要關係與範圍,並區分在媒體與公眾間之不同定位及保護範疇。釐清上述議題後,將此概念應用在資訊公開與保護等相關問題之探討,以期清晰勾勒出本論文所欲探討現行政府資訊公開法制中,關於資訊之公開與保護之間,所產生衝突與模糊等問題,並進而試圖提出修法建言,為新聞媒體基於人民「知的權利」在採訪報導中,資訊取得與傳佈時可能發生之困境,尋求一個適當的解決方法。Constitution exists for the purpose of maintaining the identity of humans. No doubt, the application of information will upgrade the humans’ quality of lives. However, it not only brought the convenience for humans, but also brought a lot of problems related to the law through the development of information technology. Therefore, it must to discuss from the new issue about information.To analysis the contents of information, it can be divided into the public domain and the private domain. In principle, information in public domain should be disclosure in order to let citizens to monitor and participate with public affairs. Private domain should be protected. However, informations in public domain owned by the government are also mixed with some private information. Should this section belong to the “benefits of the public” and can be given way as long as we ask for privacy in private domain? Or if there are public figures involved in the private domain, can we shrink the privacy of information? Or it is a need to discriminate between the public and the public-figures. Or can we judge the domain of protecting the privacy by simply according to the “issues of involving public”?In fact, the base of openness of information (usually mentioned about government information) legislation are based on the “right to know” to satisfy the public. As a consequence, it is a correct direction to find out the related problems in openness of information. What’s more, it is a practical
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