上海商業儲蓄銀行在金融業的生存發展機會 = Survival, Oppo...


  • 上海商業儲蓄銀行在金融業的生存發展機會 = Survival, Opportunity, and Growth of the Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank in the Taiwan Banking Industry
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Survival, Opportunity, and Growth of the Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank in the Taiwan Banking Industry
    作者: 陳誌亮,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2008[民97]
    面頁冊數: 49面圖、表 : 30公分;
    標題: 商業銀行
    標題: Commercial Banks
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/22835133727758123067
    附註: 參考書目:面
    附註: 指導教授:陳怡凱
    摘要註: 上海商業儲蓄銀行成立於民國四年,後隨政府播遷在台復業,在香港同時擁有子銀行(上海商業銀行)與分行,是國內歷史最悠久的民營銀行。該銀行經營作風穩健踏實,雖然存款、放款市佔率低,資產規模遠低於其他大型金控,也沒有上市、上櫃,甚至沒有公開發行,卻締造眾多外部機構的正面評價及業務創新第一的紀錄,每股盈餘連續四年(2004-2007)居本國銀行第一名,2007年更獲亞洲銀行家期刊評比為台灣強勢銀行第一名。上海商業儲蓄銀行在經歷了政權的動盪、景氣循環及同業競爭之下,依然屹立不搖。當金融界大吹金改及金控之風時,部份銀行被合併、改名甚至消失,上海商業儲蓄銀行仍堅持走專業銀行路線,重視服務與創新,以企業金融為核心,尤擅長外匯及兩岸三地國際金融,營運兼顧資產品質與獲利能力,經營績效名列前矛,為一「小而美」的優質銀行。本研究首先透過關於國內銀行經營績效的理論與實證研究文獻,擷取評估銀行經營績效的指標因子,然後收集次級資料,再運用相關統計分析工具來比較國內各銀行經營績效。最後就上海商業儲蓄銀行的財務資料及經營現況進行研究,並評估當前金融環境與該銀行經營績效,擷取其優勢因子,期能反饋給其他銀行業者,為其經營方向的參考。 Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd. (SCSB) was established in 1914. SCSB, which is the only private bank from the Mainland, resumed its head office in Taiwan in June 1965. It is the privately held bank with longest history in the Taiwan banking industry. Steady and dependable are the management style of SCSB. Compared to the domestic banks in Taiwan, SCSB has relative low market shares of deposits and loans. Relatively, the asset size is also much smaller than those financial holding companies. Even though SCSB is not a public offering bank listed in the security exchange, it has the positive evaluation and the record of the top sale renovation in the Taiwan banking industry. From 2004 to 2007, the earnings per shares of SCSB are the highest among domestic banks. Even in 2007, SCSB earned the top ranking of the strong banks in Taiwan from the Asian Banker. SCSB survives from the political turbulences, business cycles, and peer competitions. When the trend of a bank becomes a financial holding company (FHC), SCSB still emphasizes on the specialized banking in business banking with sound service and financial innovation. Especially, it is good at foreign exchange services and the international banking across the Taiwan Strait. Because of its efficient operation and profitability, SCSB becomes one of the outperforming small and solid banks in Taiwan. The objectives of this study are to apply the banking theories and empirical results and identify the determinant factors of bank performance. Based on the significant results of the statistical analysis, this study evaluates the case of the performance of SCSB and provides the implications to the other banks in the domestic banking industry.
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