壽險業服務管理-以英國保誠人壽為例 = Service Quality ...


  • 壽險業服務管理-以英國保誠人壽為例 = Service Quality Management for the Life Insurance Industry -A Case of PCA Life Insurance
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Service Quality Management for the Life Insurance Industry -A Case of PCA Life Insurance
    作者: 蔡明達,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2009[民98]
    面頁冊數: 91面圖、表 : 30公分;
    標題: 保誠人壽
    標題: A concept model of service quality
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/25162215378690733200
    附註: 參考書目:面
    附註: 指導教授:李亭林
    摘要註: 隨著大環境的轉變,壽險公司的經營越來越困難,全球利率的急速下滑,使得壽險公司的資金,要能有效的得到投資回報,考驗著經營者的營運能力。網際網路資訊日益發達,許多商品透過網路成交的流量物種增多,透過網路的銷售成本、售後服務成本也大幅下降;社會結構、法令的改變、勞工的社會福利意識抬頭,以往傳統保險公司的策略”人海戰術”漸漸受到挑戰。以往培養傳統業務員方式,用來維持高市場占有率,和這幾年興起的銀行理專代理、電話行銷管道,或未來能以網路直接下單購買保單,這些將會直接改變壽險市場的原本的市場結構。本研究以保誠人壽為研究對象,用文獻探討及問卷調查的方式來深入瞭解壽險行業。於高雄地區發放600 份問卷,實際回收有效問卷320 份。由回收問卷分析,並透過品質屋與服務品質缺口這兩種研究方式,瞭解現有客戶對於壽險業的服務期望和需求,和保誠人壽在服務品質上是否有缺口等,提出補救方法,希望以此作為改善保誠人壽服務品質的依據,藉由此研究結果提供不同保險同業做為服務顧客的建議。本研究結果顯示,客戶期望保險公司能提供的不只是一張保單,還有安全感,同時希望保險公司在設計商品時能夠以顧客的觀點出發。從品質屋可以看出,保誠人壽在服務據點以及工作態度上是需要進行改善的,藉由改善這兩方面,能夠增加顧客的滿意度,進而繼續留住顧客。由服務品質觀念模式可以得知,保誠人壽在了解顧客真正的需求上、公司是否有一套標準流程滿足顧客,以及使顧客滿意度提高等三方面缺口是目前需要改善的。 As the environment changes, life insurance companies operating more andmore difficult, the rapid decline in global interest rates, making life insurancecompany's funds, to be able to be an effective return on investment, testing theviability of operators.The increasingly well-developed Internet information, and many commoditiestraded through the Internet increased the flow of species through the network cost ofsales, after-sales service costs dropped; social structure, changes in laws, socialwelfare workers rising awareness of strategy for traditional insurance companies,"human sea tactics" gradually being challenged. The past, traditional sales maintaina high market share by human sea tactics; recent, sales channel handled by FinancialConsultant and telemarketing, shopping insurance policy on website could behappened on nearly further. All above are going to change the life insurancemarketing structure.In this study, Prudential Life Insurance is the research object, by usingliterature review and questionnaire survey, this study tries to get an in-depthunderstanding of the life insurance industry. We issued 600 questionnaires andrecovered of 320 validities in Kaohsiung. By the recovery of the questionnaireanalysis and the quality housing and the service gap in both the quality of researchto understand the life insurance industry for existing client’s expectations and needsof the service, and the Prudential Life Insurance in the service quality, such aswhether there are gaps, the remedy, and I hope that Prudential as to improve thequality of life of service based on the results of this study by the insurance industryto provide different services to customers as a proposal.The results of this study reveal that clients expect not only a policy but also asense of security what insurance company offered, they also look forward toIncluding the design of insurance products which concerned the point of view ofcustomers. Moreover the quality housing can be seen through that Prudential LifeInsurance to be improved on two points, the numbers of service station and salesattitude. Then will increase customer satisfaction and retain customers if above twopoints were improved. The concept of quality of service can be informed thatPrudential Life Insurance in understanding the real needs of customers, thecompany have a set of standard processes to meet customers and to improvecustomer satisfaction in three areas, such as the gap is in need of improvement.
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310001862286 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 349910 4463 2009 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
310001862278 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 349910 4463 2009 c.2 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
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