日治晚期高雄市大谷光瑞的逍遙園之源流與建築構成 = The Histor...


  • 日治晚期高雄市大谷光瑞的逍遙園之源流與建築構成 = The History and Architectural Constitution of Otani Kozui’s Shoyoen in Kaohsiung City in the late period of Japanese governance
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: The History and Architectural Constitution of Otani Kozui’s Shoyoen in Kaohsiung City in the late period of Japanese governance
    作者: 黃朝煌,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2009[民98]
    面頁冊數: 172面圖、表 : 30公分;
    標題: 別邸
    標題: Architectural constitution
    附註: 指導教授:陳啟仁
    附註: 參考書目:面
    摘要註: 西本願寺的鏡如上人——大谷光瑞伯爵於 1940 年定居高雄。在大港埔斥資建造了一座非常精緻的別邸,並以佛經中的逍遙園為名,本意欲寄情於田園山水之間,在此安度晚年。1945 年二次大戰結束,日本勢力退出臺灣後,逍遙園的產權被移交,隨後轉作眷村使用,別邸建築體得以保存至今。 由於日治時期大谷光瑞的社會與國際地位非常顯赫,因此與高雄別邸逍遙園的沒落相較之下呈現不尋常的落差。本研究試圖從逍遙園的源流與建築構成手法之間的關係上作討論,以助後人了解這座具有大谷式風格的文化住宅。 因此本研究的分為文史考證與建築考證兩大部分。文史考證的部份主要是探討以近代史為背景下淨土真宗本願寺派的發展與第 22 世門主大谷光瑞作為國際聞人所涉入的國際事件、投資事業,以探討逍遙園的興起過程中的種種成因。建築考證的部份主要是藉由對逍遙園別底進行的現況勘查所產生的種種疑問在文史考證中所得的線索與「臺灣日日新報」的報導內容,找到印證的證據,以探討大谷光瑞的當代思想與作為如何影響了住宅的設計內容。從而了解逍遙園的建造目的與真實用途,並推斷出建築原貌與地景的關聯。 The master of Nishi Hongan-ji Temple——Kyonyo(Earl Otani Kozui) settled down in Kaohsiung in 1940. Otani Kozui built a delicate villa in TAIKŌHO and named as Shoyoen which meant living in pastoral landscape in after years. Since the end of World War II and the fall back of Japanese forces; the Shoyoen was transferred and transformed to military dependent’s village. Otani Kozui was nevertheless in the outstanding positions in both society and international status in Japanese colonial period ,therefore the research found there was a great gap between the Otani Kozui’s outstanding positions and the downfall of Shoyoen.The research aimed to help people to understand the cultural villa with Otani Kozui’s constitution skills by making a comparison between the origins of Shoyoen and its architecture constitution. The research consisted of two parts: “history research“ and “architectural research”.The “history research” aimed to having a discussion between the development of Nishi Hongan-ji Temple and the international events,business investment those were involved with Otani Kozui under the background of modern history to explore the emergence of various reasons during the blooming period of Shoyoen. The “architectural research“ aimed to find the evidences from the various occurred questions during the investigations of Shoyoen history research and the report of “New Taiwan Daily News” and then to discuss how Otani Kozui’s thoughts and behaviours affected the design of the villa.The research helped people to understand the purpose and the use of Shoyoen. Furthermore, the research deduced the relations between architecture and landscape of the villa.
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310001862815 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 582204 4449 2009 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
310001862823 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 582204 4449 2009 c.2 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
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