商店街更新再造用後評估之研究-以高雄市鹽埕堀江商場為例 = Study ...


  • 商店街更新再造用後評估之研究-以高雄市鹽埕堀江商場為例 = Study on the P.O.E. of Shopping Facility Upgrading- A Case of Jyuejiang Market of YanchengDistrict ,Kaohsiung City
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Study on the P.O.E. of Shopping Facility Upgrading- A Case of Jyuejiang Market of YanchengDistrict ,Kaohsiung City
    作者: 黃伊慧,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2009[民98]
    面頁冊數: 134面圖、表 : 30公分;
    標題: 商店街更新再造
    標題: Jyuejiang Market of Yancheng District
    附註: 指導教授:黃世孟
    附註: 參考書目:面
    摘要註: 近年來為配合商業環境及消費型態之轉型需求,高雄市政府積極協助各商店街以完整的硬體更新與軟體行銷手法,進行「商店街更新再造」計畫,提供舒適乾淨及具地方特色之購物環境,以提升商店街優勢競爭力及凝聚商店街街區組織共識,重新型塑商店街的風格與特色,創造傳統商店街新商機。本研究以高雄市鹽埕堀江商場為研究範圍,「店家所提改善需求內容」及「使用及維護管理推動機制」為基礎,針對店家進行深入訪談、實地觀察與問卷調查,取得實證資料後,彙整議題需求、改善項目及建成環境相互比較,形成研究方法架構,以「用後評估」模式強化本研究理論與後續研究與建議,並採用SPSS15.0軟體進行統計分析,瞭解該商店街店家對此計畫之參與程度,並探討政府單位在空間改善中之供需落差,整理歸納出商店街環境改善之成效後,並對商店街組織提出使用維護管理之建議。研究結果顯示:1.改善前,應多瞭解商店街店家在環境改善計畫前改善需求之參與程度,透過溝通與協調,且以公部門為主,商場協進會為輔的角色定位方式下,可以落實使用者需求議題,並達到設施更新推展之用意。2.改善中,政府單位應多探討使用者需求並提出改善對策,使改善設施更加完整性,並透過實際使用後之成效調查,分析出設計與施工上的供需落差問題,以期共同提升整體環境設施品質。3.改善後,向商場管理者提出使用及維護管理機制之建議,且應多強化商店街組織能力,使店家自發性的參與環境設施維護與管理。本研究藉由商店街更新再造用後評估的發展與架構,讓環境設施改善的評估模式作為相關學術探討,並企望本研究對於未來都市傳統商店街的更新再造,能夠產生共鳴作用且作更深入的研究,使國內對於傳統商店街的更新再造計畫能有更成熟的思考模式。 In recent years for cooperating with business environment and transition demand ofattitude of consuming, Kaohsiung municipal government aggressively helps shop streets withthe selling tactics software and with intact hardware upgrading to precede “Shopping StreetsUpgrading and Renew” project. The purpose of this project is to offer comfortable, clean andrich of local characteristic shopping environment, to improve the competitiveness ofshopping street, and to unite the unions of shopping streets to organize a commonunderstanding of re-molding the style and characteristic of the shopping street and creatingthe new business opportunity of streets of traditional shops.This post occupancy evaluation research is ranged in “Jyuejiang Market of YanchengDistrict,Kaohsiung City ” upgrading project, based on “owners’ improvement demands” and“use and management propagation system”, and focused on the interview with owners, sitevisit, and Q/A survey. After the data is collected, organize the information according todemands and improvement items, and compare with the constructed facilities to form theresearch format. The P.O.E is used to consolidate the research theory, post-study andsuggestion. Computer software SPSS15.0 is also used to analyze the collect data in order tounderstand the participation of the owners to the project, and the differences between thedemands of the owners and improvement.After the research is completed, the suggestions of maintenance and management aregenerated and returned to the shopping street management system for maintenance andmanagement reference.The result of research shows:1. Before any improvement, the demands and participation of shop owners shall beunderstood. The demands could be implemented and the purpose of upgrading andimprovement could be promoted by communication and negotiation of publicdepartment with assistance of owner organization.2.During the improvement, the government authorities need to confer with the shopowners to understand their needs, and to propose the improvement strategies. This couldhelp the improvement to be more integrated. Comment survey is also required after thefacilities are being used. The survey helps to analyze the differences between the basicdesign and actual construction, to avoid similar problems in the future, and improve theconstruction quality.3.After improvement, proposing suggestions of maintenance and management to the shopmanagement and enhancing the “team” concept of the shop owners are necessary. Thiscould help the shop owners aggressively involve in the facilities maintenance andmanagement program.By evaluating the development and framework of the shopping street upgrading project,the evaluation method of environment improvement can be used in relevant academicresearch. And hope this research will provide a new lease of life to the renewal of the streetof traditional shop of the city in the future, produce sympathetic response for deeper research,and provide more mature thinking pattern of traditional shopping street upgrading project.
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310001862807 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 582204 4425 2009 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
310001862799 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 582204 4425 2009 c.2 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
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