古蹟委外經營困境與管理機制之研究-以打狗英國領事館為例 = Resear...


  • 古蹟委外經營困境與管理機制之研究-以打狗英國領事館為例 = Research of Operate-Transfer predicament and mechanism of management of historic site-Case study of takao British Consulate
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Research of Operate-Transfer predicament and mechanism of management of historic site-Case study of takao British Consulate
    作者: 黃耀宗,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2009[民98]
    面頁冊數: 163面圖、表 : 30公分;
    標題: ROT
    標題: Historic site
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/21156532866476469075
    附註: 指導教授:陳啟仁
    附註: 參考書目:面
    摘要註: 近年來,為達到古蹟活化再利用目的,配合政府業務委託民間辦理的重要政策,在2000年公布實施「促進民間參與公共建設法」後,古蹟委外經營形成一股趨勢,成為古蹟及歷史建築再利用政策的新導向。高雄市定古蹟打狗英國領事館,為高雄市文化局古蹟委外經營首例,文化局以ROT方式進行招標,並由漢王洲際飯店取得修復古蹟工程及經營權。漢王洲際飯店受託營運打狗英國領事館備受矚目,也成為國內古蹟委外經營之模範。漢王洲際飯店於第一期營運權結束時,申請續約遭到文化局拒絕,其理由為經營者營運過度商業化及社會大眾觀感不佳等因素,而接續經營之團隊亦衍生諸多營運爭議,致使古蹟委外經營產生糾紛,也造成後續古蹟委外經營管理與困境的問題衝突,古蹟委外經營機制儼然面臨著挑戰與檢視。本研究在此委外經營事件裡,發現關於公部門行政委託及私部門經營管理之問題點:◆公私部門對古蹟委外經營之目的不同,造成委外經營的管理方式認知歧異。◆古蹟使用性與開放性界定不明,若以公共財的角度而言,委外經營方式可能使古蹟經營權屬於某一私人團體或企業,其營運方針為求利益最大化而導致過度商業化,使古蹟委外經營意涵變調,形成各自立場思維的差異。◆古蹟委外經營回饋金制度與營運模式造成的公私部門猜忌與質疑,突顯委外監督方式與經營管理機制的問題。◆古蹟委外契約內容訂定的明確性與合理性,影響經營者心態,導致古蹟委外經營不安因素存在,如經營權、回饋金及受託目標等問題癥結產生。 為解決古蹟委外經營下公、私部門的衝突、權利義務及經營管理等面向關係,達到委外機制運作的最大效力及困境排除的方法。本研究以古蹟委外經營管理機制與專責執行監督管理工作等方向,配合現況古蹟營運、管理之困境,謀求古蹟委外經營問題的解套與建議方式。鑑此,本研究將透過相關研究方法,重新檢視古蹟委外經營管理體制、思考建構委外監督機制的方法,最後,將研究的資料回饋於公私部門,在進行古蹟委外經營規劃與相關計畫的研擬之參考建議,提供古蹟委外經營管理在未來施行上的遵循依據,並可以真正達成古蹟委外經營之永續經營的目標。 In recent years, in order to re-activate and re-utilize historic sites, and tie-in with government's policy of outsourcing management, Kaohsiung City government in 2000 announced 「Bill of promoting private business to participate in pubic work」. ROT(Repair Operation Transfer) of historic site is becoming a trend; a new method for re-utilize historic sites and buildings. Kaohsiung City set takao British consulate historic building as the first ROT project. Bureau of Cultural of Kaohsiung City opened bid the project and Han Wang Hotel was announced to be the first ROT contractor. It had also set up a model of ROT of historic site of the nation. However, as the first operation period terminated, Bureau of Cultural of Kaohsiung City rejected Han Wang Hotel’s application of renewing the contract. The reasons of the rejection were over-commercialized of the historic building and general negative feedbacks from the public. The continuous operations by different operation groups also derived disputes, and further created arguments and conflicts of historic site outsourcing management. Outsourcing management of historic site is now facing severe challenge and examination. This research uses takao British consulate historic building outsourcing management project as a studying case, and summarized the following problems of administration authorization of public sector, and operation and management of private sector:◆Sectors have different purposes of management, which further create disagreement on management. ◆The definition of using and open to public of a historic site is not clear. By ROT the public property, the management right will be authorized to private organizations. Its operation policy often causes the historic site to be over-commercialized to maximize the profit, which isn’t what outsourcing management is originally purposed for. ◆Revenue return and management system of outsourcing also cause both sectors to question and envious each other, which highlights the problems behind outsourcing monitoring and management system.◆The certainty and rationality of outsourcing management contract contents, which influences operator, and further cases uncertainties of outsourcing, such as the right of management, revenue return, and target project, etc.In order to solve the conflicts between public and private sectors on outsourcing, rights and duties, and operation and management,to achieve outsourcing management maximum output and to solve the predicament,this research provides solutions and suggestions by considering historic site outsourcing management system and monitoring, in cooperate with the current historic site operation and management difficulties. With mentioned purposes, this research re-examines outsourcing management system, and reconsiders the monitoring system, and returns the information back to both public and private sectors as a reference of outsourcing or future relevant project planning. The research also provides a standard for operation and management for future practice to help ROT of historic site to reach sustain goal.
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310001862831 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 582204 4493 2009 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
310001862849 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 582204 4493 2009 c.2 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
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