台灣博奕事業管理法制之探討:以Casino之相關法規為主 = A Stu...


  • 台灣博奕事業管理法制之探討:以Casino之相關法規為主 = A Study of Establishment and Development of Taiwan’s Gaming Industry: Some Viewpoints on Regulating Casino
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: A Study of Establishment and Development of Taiwan’s Gaming Industry: Some Viewpoints on Regulating Casino
    作者: 彭國光,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 民99[2010]
    面頁冊數: 294面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 博奕事業
    標題: Gaming Industry
    摘要註: 博奕事業商機無限,亞洲諸國早已敞開賭場合法化的大門,而台灣卻一直為是否設置觀光賭場,爭議不休,一再錯失商機。迄98年1月12日,離島建設條例修正案終經立法院三讀通過,增訂第10條之2的博弈條款,未來在離島的縣市政府,均可以透過公民投票,只要有效票數超過二分之一同意,即可設置觀光賭場。澎湖縣於是在98年9月26日,為設置觀光賭場,進行了我國首次的博奕公投,然而,結果卻是未通過。 本文對於澎湖的博奕公投,除了記載其始末之外,亦對其公投結果多所分析,並由其中觀察有關未來我國離島博弈事業所需的管理法制,尚付諸闕如,此則毋寧是最為當務之急。是以,本文先行整理世界各種博奕事業種類之現況,並參考美國、澳門、澳洲及新加坡等國對之所為相對應之博奕事業法制;進而試以博奕事業中的觀光賭場--Casino為主,試擬未來之博奕事業專法,亦即「觀光賭場設置管理條例」草案,思以建構我國觀光賭場管理及監督之專責機關等之完整規範。 再者,於配合該專法於執行面的諸多相關議題當中,本文以為有二項較為重大者:一是台灣未來Casino係由政府經營抑或開放民間投資興建經營,何者較有利?以目前中央及地方政府財源拮据,是以,本文認為未來台灣Casino以民間興建、營運,於契約期滿後,無償移轉予政府之BOT模式開發較有利。二是台灣Casino設置後,其特許費及相關之稅,如何課徵?中央與地方如何分配?亦多所著墨,期以提供整體法制上的重大考量。 After the analysis of the event of referendum on establishing casino in Penghu County being vetoed in September 26, 2009, we believe that the transparency of government decision about casino is inadequate and predict that the legal institution of casino will be the key factor of those important matters concerning gaming industry in Taiwan in the future.This research starts from knowing the sorts of playing in gaming industry, and then compares the relating legal institution among US, Macau, Australia and Singapore. In order to form an entire structure of legal institution on gaming industry in Taiwan, this research explores in-depth to bring up a specified legal draft of it, especially focusing the main sort of gaming industry--casino, including regulations of casino management, and government’s administrative supervision on gambling. At last, as to operating in coordination of enforcement of the legal draft mentioned above, we think both the adoption of one of the official investment rule--so called BOT and tax revenue from casino and its license fee are the most important challenges to be dealt with.
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