核能發電和台灣經濟成長之研究─以台灣電力公司為例 = A Study o...


  • 核能發電和台灣經濟成長之研究─以台灣電力公司為例 = A Study of Nuclear Power Generation andTaiwan Economic Growth─ The Case ofTaiwan Power Company
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: A Study of Nuclear Power Generation andTaiwan Economic Growth─ The Case ofTaiwan Power Company
    作者: 賴岳良,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 民99[2010]
    面頁冊數: 93面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 核能電廠
    標題: NuclearPower Plants
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/37134520785397791364
    摘要註: 自從1980年代以來,核能電廠每年大概供應了全球16%的電力,核能在整體能量供給面一直佔有一定的份量。近年來,更由於全世界普遍意識到因化石燃料的大量使用,造成全球暖化進而導致許多危害產生;而化石燃料價格的居高不下,再加上能源供給穩定安全的考量下,核能確有其優勢及復甦跡象。 因此本研究即收集國、內外現有核能發電情形,及國內核能發電量和營運成本,與國內經濟成長率和火力發電營運成本等資料、數據來進行統計、分析、歸納和比較,了解在國家經濟及能源政策下,是否我國應重新思考使用核能發電的新能源政策,及未來我國是否適合再增建新核能機組,擴大核能發電裝置容量。另外節能減碳是目前台灣能源政策主要內容,用核能發電能夠顯著減少溫室氣體排放量與傳統燃料使用量。在1977-2009年期間,台灣核能發電廠生產的電力使CO2排放量減少9億5百萬公噸,NOx排放量減少2百54萬公噸,VOCs排放量減少1萬5千公噸,CH4排放量減少5千5百公噸。此外由於核能發電,節省用煤量達3億6千萬公噸。 展望未來,低碳經濟、低碳能源、低碳電力將是全球性的發展趨勢,而世界各國家既要追求GDP年成長又要降低溫室氣體排放量,完備核能安全和核能廢料管制,核能發電無疑是達到此目的最大利器。 Nuclear power has supply 16% of electricity in Taiwan since 1980 and is a major player in supplying electricity in nuclear power. Recently, due world recognition that fossil fuel causes global warming in addition to damages done to the ecosystem, the price of fossil fuel has been raising steadily. Due to the safety concerns and fluctuation of fossil fuel supply, nuclear power has grown measurably. This research examines all current domestic and international conditions which energy from nuclear power is supplied, the quantity of nuclear energy that could be delivered and the business costs. Economical growth data and the costs of thermal energy are calculated, analyzed and compared to Taiwan’s national economic policy to determine if the government should utilize new sources of energy, invest in new factories and expand the usability of nuclear power. Energy conservation and greenhouse gas reductions are the major components of the present energy policy in Taiwan. The production of electricity from nuclear source has resulted in a significant reduction in atmospheric emissions and in the consumption of conventional fossil fuels from what otherwise would have occurred. Over the period 1977-2009 , electricity generated by Taiwan’s nuclear power plants averted the following cumulative greenhouse gas emissions:905 million tonnes of CO2 , 2.54 million tonnes of NOx , 15 thousand tonnes of VOCs ,and 5.5 thousand tonnes of CH4 . In addition , nuclear energy production displaced 360 million tones of coal that would otherwise have been burned to produce electricity by electric utility . Looking ahead, low carbon economy, low carbon energy, and low carbon electricity will be a global trend. Nuclear power is the greatest tool in the world’s countries’ pursue of GDP growth, lower greenhouse emissions, nuclear safety and nuclear waste control.
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