手機代工產業之垂直整合研究-以C公司為例 = A Case Study ...


  • 手機代工產業之垂直整合研究-以C公司為例 = A Case Study of Vertical Integration for the Mobile Phone OEM/ODM Industry
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: A Case Study of Vertical Integration for the Mobile Phone OEM/ODM Industry
    作者: 王生和,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 民99[2010]
    面頁冊數: 164面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 手機代工
    標題: Mobile phone OEM/ODM
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/52196330913357463337
    摘要註: 台灣手機代工產業在2000年初,藉由複製筆記型電腦之代工模式而獲致成功的經驗移植到手機產業,並創造出傲人的代工出口量,也讓許多業外企業紛紛投入該產業,並認為它會是繼筆記型電腦之後的另一個產業新星。在手機處於高毛利高成長期確實讓整體產業在同一種營運模式下均能有所收獲,然而在經歷經泡沫化及產品成長率下滑之後,整體手機代工的毛利率亦同步受到擠壓,迫使許多不具競爭力之企業退出競爭的行列,而殘留下來的企業莫不極力尋求維持競爭力的經營模式。因此,本研究針對這個議題,選取於近年來由純手機系統代工轉為以垂直整合為經營策略之個案企業作為研究對象,選取個案公司原獨立公司或單位之高階管理職為訪談對象,將個案公司之垂直整合前所面臨之問題與整合後之優劣作深入的探討及分析,以期能尋找出純系統代工模式轉型為垂直整合模式之影響。整體研究分為二大部份,垂直整合前採用五力分析作為對外競爭力分析,企業內部則採用價值鏈作為分析,整合後之結果則採用波特之八大整合經濟因素,其結果交叉分析產生研究結論如下:(1)當垂直整合規模落差很大時,原本經濟規模小之單位在內部價值活動中獲益反而大。(2)在垂直整合的鑽取上下游相關知識?,越往下游所獲得的利益越大。(3)垂直整合的確保供應或需求對於垂直整合起點的產品沒有功效,越向下游所獲得的保障效果越大。(4)垂直整合後,對於抵銷議價力量及成本扭曲是沒有直接相關的,其結果還是以市場機制為主。(5)垂直整合後,對於企業內部之產業鏈的各產品單位在增加差異能力上是有正面的幫助的。(6)垂直整合若無法掌握關鍵零件,反而會造成不利特定產品的結果;垂直整合中段之產業若無法形成規模經濟,對確保進入或移動障礙的成功是有限。(7)垂直整合下,不論在產業鏈的任何位置,都比較有機會因為內部技術知識的合作而容易進入較高投資報酬行業。(8)垂直整合下,對於預防供應來源及銷售通路關閉是沒有關係的。(9)垂直整合後之代理成本會因為內部交易之規範而受到影響。 Over the past decade, the OEM/ODM sectors in the Taiwan mobile phone industry have successfully demonstrated an impressive production volume by smartly duplicating the profitable OEM/ODM business model that is used in the notebook/laptop manufacturing industry. In the view that mobile phone is becoming the next hot high-tech industry, many enterprises in different domains extensively move into this industry with tremendous investment. It has been seen that the investment profit is quite satisfactory at the early stage. However, after experiencing the economical bubble crisis and the decrease of production volume, the overall profit is now descending rapidly. This in turn results in that many uncompetitive companies withdrew from the market and the rest is attempting to look for a new and better business model to maintain their competitiveness. Consequently, this research thesis conducts a case study where a case company in the mobile phone industry is invited to participate. The research issue is to derive the findings about the pros and cons of adopting a new business strategy that is from pure mobile phone OEM/ODM to vertical integration in 2005. There are two parts in this research: (1) the external competition analysis is conducted by using five-force analysis technique while internal by using value chain analysis for the original business strategy and (2) the eight integrated economy factors are used to derive the performance of vertical integration strategy. The study interviews the senior and/or high level management of the case company on a base of both face-to-face and written form. Main research findings obtained from the new strategy are as follows. (1) For the situation of having a considerable difference between unit’s economic scales, the smaller the unit is, the more profits they will obtain in the internal valued activities. (2) For the related knowledge drilling, a downstream unit obtains more benefits than the upstream one. (3) For the issue of ensuring supply and demand in the vertical integration, no significant benefit is found. However, a downstream unit can obtain more protection and guarantee than the upstream one. (4) For the issue of bargaining power offset and cost distortion, no significant relation is found. It is still dominated by market mechanism. (5) For the issue of product differentiation capability, a positive driving force for various product units in the industrial chain is found. (6) For the issue of ensuring the success of establishment of entering or moving barrier, it is found that the key components must be mastered and controlled quite well, in particular for the middle stream units who are unable to effectively maintain an economic scale. (7) For the issue of entering a new business with high investment benefit, it is found that any unit in any position under the vertical integration strategy will have more opportunities due to the collaboration of internal technological knowledge. (8) For the issue of the protection from supply shortage or close of marketing channel, no relationship to the vertical integration is found. (9) For the issue of agency cost, it is found that the cost will be highly influenced by the internal transaction regulations. Discussion and managerial implications are also addressed.
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