航空貨運承攬業多重併裝模式之創值功能研究 - 以空併為例 = The V...


  • 航空貨運承攬業多重併裝模式之創值功能研究 - 以空併為例 = The Value-Creation Strategy of Airfreight Forwarder - Multiple Consolidation Model of Non-BUP
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: The Value-Creation Strategy of Airfreight Forwarder - Multiple Consolidation Model of Non-BUP
    作者: 余智仁,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 民99[2010]
    面頁冊數: 124面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 航空貨運承攬業
    標題: airfreight forwarder
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/55772360018762543749
    摘要註: 本研究主要探討近一、二十年來因國內傳產及電子產業大量外移,導致國內製造業產出不斷減少,連帶影響海空運輸的進出口貨量也跟著縮減,已經嚴重影響以量牟利賺取運費差價之航空貨運承攬業的生計;在政府致力主導及整合台灣成為全球運籌中心之際,國際物流這一環節所受到的重視及關切較之國內物流為少,多年來國內航空貨運承攬業者只能自求多福,因業務緣故主被動跟隨廠商步伐轉向中國尋求發展的業者很多,早期先行佈局的業者有的發展得很成功,晚期跟隨別人腳步的業者則因卡位失敗多半剎羽而歸。在八十年代空運發展最興盛的時期,國內航空貨運承攬業者有超過千家的規模,目前已降至七百家以下,未來在大者恆大的市場生態下,國內業者因業務萎縮而關閉或被併購的案例會持續不斷的上演,存續下來的業者必須保有相當的客戶貨源及航空公司的運價支持才得以生存,以現今原油價格高漲航空公司不斷調高燃油附加費的情況下,許多進出口商考量成本因素不得不改用海運運輸,使得現今航空貨運承攬業者的經營環境更加惡劣,因此如何利用手中現有的貨量及價格資源且將利潤創造極大化,這將是影響業者持續生存發展的嚴肅課題。航空貨運承攬業者的利潤來源主要為二:1. 空運貨物的重、拋併裝2. 航空公司提供的運價成本及業者賣給客戶的運價之價差,當貨源不足時,首先單層式併裝作業模式將無足夠的重、拋貨可併,併裝利潤就無法滿足業者的期望值,再者貨量不夠也無法向航空公司爭取優惠運價,在此種情況下業者必須思考,以何種創值模式可以在目前掌握的貨量中製造最佳收益。因此透過專家訪談了解到現行市場上所採用的多重式併裝模式之「空併」,是一種透過航空貨運承攬業者及航空公司間合作的交易方式,航空公司以指定的業者做為大量攬貨的操盤莊家,向市場的同行攬收大量的重、拋貨操作併裝,以創造出巨額併裝利潤,這種新價值創造的併裝模式在台灣現行的空運環境中因時制宜演化而成,使得航空貨運承攬業者可以持續扮演其在全球運籌物流體系中的一環。 The major purpose in study is to find the solution which can help freight forwarders to survive and further generate more benefit from a gradually declined airfreight market in Taiwan. As a result of Taiwan traditional and hi-tech industry encountered a non-stop cost down pressure, lots of factories did move to China and S.E. Asia to decline manpower and land cost that caused fewer airfreight export out of Taiwan than before and freight forwarders were hard to secure enough cargo and do consolidation for making profit. So far lots of Taiwanese freight forwarders already built up their service network overseas, but parts of them are failed to compete with local agents at China as action late.In case airfreight forwarders can’t get full support in price and space from airlines as well as shippers prefer to forward cargo via ocean freight instead of airfreight to save transportation cost, the airfreight forwarders in Taiwan will negatively operate toward to close business. So only maximize the profit via innovation in marketing operation model, airfreight forwarders can well survive and run as usual.To do consolidation between volumetric and heavy cargo as well as to make price margin between airline’s offer and forwarder’s selling rate are the main way to make profit in airfreight industry. Airlines definitely refuse to offer low rate if forwarders can’t contribute enough aircargo volume on board. Therefore, the co-load operator did cooperate with airline to upgrade the model of consolidation from simple in HAWB(House Airway Bill) to multiple in MAWB(Master Airway Bill). As per researcher’s market survey from professionals, the multiple consolidation model of Non-BUP is really becoming an innovation solution of airfreight industry and proceeding without failure and all of informants agreed this value-creation model will assist forwarders to well act as the role of service provider in global logistics supply chain.
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