兩岸主管領導行為對員工士氣影響之研究 — 以 F 電子公司為例 = An...


  • 兩岸主管領導行為對員工士氣影響之研究 — 以 F 電子公司為例 = An Influence of Cross-Strait Leadership Styles on Staff Morale – the case of F Company
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: An Influence of Cross-Strait Leadership Styles on Staff Morale – the case of F Company
    作者: 徐美琴,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 民99[2010]
    面頁冊數: 109面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 領導行為
    標題: Leadership Styles
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/43290114481153434264
    摘要註: 隨著環境的快速變遷,電子產業也面臨激烈的競爭,造成獲利率的下降。因此個案公司為了持續競爭優勢,經由提升其服務能力,進而創造其服務品牌價值,來確保企業永續經營與發展。 本研究的目的在探討主管領導行為、員工工作士氣與組織績效之關係。本研究將從員工的角度,探討個案公司員工對主管領導行為的知覺與感受,對工作士氣及組織績效的成效影響,對主管領導行為與員工工作士氣提升是否具有顯著關係,期望能從中發現這之間存在的問題,併找出因應對策,以提供個案公司參考。 本研究採用文獻分析法與問卷調查法,文獻分析法以蒐集、探討國內外相關文獻,作為擬定研究架構與編製調查問卷內容之依據;問卷調查法以自編「主管領導行為及工作士氣調查問卷」」(內含主管領導行為問卷、員工工作士氣問卷)為工具。 本研究以個案公司的兩岸A零組件及B系統部門的員工為研究對象,使用問卷調查作為資料蒐集方法,總計發出600份問卷,回收600份有效問卷,針對此樣本,以敘述性統計分析、相關分析、因素分析、t 檢定、變異數分析、迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析驗證,對研究資料進行假設檢定。本研究獲致以下之研究結果: 一、員工對主管領導行為的感受,會顯著影響員工的工作士氣。 二、領導行為構面中,轉型領導及互易領導行為與工作士氣有顯著相關。 三、員工對主管領導行為的感受,透過工作士氣,將間接影響組織績效的達成。 四、個人特徵中之年齡、職稱及部門與工作士氣具顯著差異。 五、主管領導行為對個人特徵中之年齡、職稱及部門與工作士氣具顯著差異。 六、台灣員工對於主管的轉型領導行為感受性高,而大陸員工則對於主管互易領導行為 感受性較高。經由本研究所獲致之管理意涵 : 一、從員工的角度檢視企業如何運作才能提升員工的工作士氣。 二、肯定領導行為對於企業在提升員工工作士氣上,具有顯著效果。 三、建立以績效為導向之升遷制度,提供員工職涯發展路徑。本研究最後依據所驗證的架構理論與管理上的意涵,提出後續研究者未來進一步研究建議。 With the rapid changes of environment, the electronic industry also faces fierce competition that decreases profitability. To sustain its business and to survive from the competition, it’s crucial for Case Company to remain its competent advantages and service ability, thereby to increase its service brand value. The purpose of this study explores the corresponding relationship between leadership styles, staff morale, and organizational performance. The study will, taking employee’s point of view, reveal how staff perceive and feel from different leadership, and try to find out if there exists significant relationship between leadership behavior and staff morale even organizational performance. This study expects to be able to identify the problems between, and to provide solutions for Case Company’s reference. I adopted both Documentary Analysis and Questionnaire Survey on this study. Documentary Analysis used to explore the international relative data to make the framework and organize the questionnaire content. Questionnaire Survey based on the “The questionnaire of leadership types and staff morale” (including leadership styles questionnaire, staff morale questionnaire) made by myself. The participants in this study were department A (Component Department) and B (System Department) of the Case Company in mainland China and Taiwan. The data collections were conducted by the method of Questionnaire survey. The total of 600 copies of questionnaire had been issued and received respectively. The samples were examined carefully and made hypothesis testing by a series of statistic methods including Descriptive Statistics, Correlation Analysis, Factor Analysis, T Test, ANOVA Analysis, and Regression Analysis.The results of the tests revealed:(1) The perception and feeling on the different leadership play a significant factor on staff morale.(2) In the dimension of leadership types, transformational leadership and transactional leadership have significant correlation on staff morale.(3) The perception and feeling of the staff for the leadership reflecting on the staff morale will affect the achievement of the organizational performance.(4) In the factors of ages、different working experience、titles and departments , they have significant difference on staff morale.(5) In the factors of ages、different working experience、titles and departments , they have significant difference on leadership.(6) The staff in Taiwan has a high perception toward transformational leadership, but the staff in mainland China has a high perception toward transactional leadership.Through the study we have reached the following management meaning:(1) From the perspective of staff, we can explore the best way of company operating to increase staff morale.(2) It is true that leadership can play a significant role on promoting staff morale.(3) A promotion system based on performance can provide staff a better way of working career.
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