災後安置建築之永續性分析-實例設計驗證 = Post-disaster ...


  • 災後安置建築之永續性分析-實例設計驗證 = Post-disaster Resettlement Buildings of Sustainability Analyze-Instances of Design Verification
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Post-disaster Resettlement Buildings of Sustainability Analyze-Instances of Design Verification
    作者: 林宜瑩,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 民100[2011]
    版本: 初版
    面頁冊數: 128面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 救災安置建築
    標題: none
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/72733628611707090933
    摘要註: 基於全球暖化現象加劇,許多環境問題之發生頻率逐年增高,在許多受災地區之居住問題成為災後重要課題,面臨基地擇址、整地,居住環境、空間不足等問題接踵而來。組合屋是一種臨時性的住宅,在發生了不可抗拒的天然災害(地震、颱風……)或人為因素等而造成原居住所的破壞(如:房子倒塌或損壞至不宜居住)時,應能充分展現出其便利性及功能性,然而國內對組合屋大都停留在臨時小工寮的印象,因此對組合屋有系統的研究較為缺乏。以台灣目前現況而言,所謂之安置空間(或稱組合屋)與傳統輕構架組成之工地臨時工務所,或與一般傳統之鐵皮屋並無太大差異,雖然在構造與經濟效益上勉強可行,但於環境品質與居住機能方面則付之闕如,如何研究建立符合本土條件之安置空間系統,實為刻不容緩之議題。由於市面上對於快速構造屋極為多樣性,由最本土鐵皮屋到再利用之貨櫃屋,或相當著名的紙筒屋等相當多變化,因此本研究將創立一套設計因子運用於救災建築構造系統中,其優點在於易組裝與拆解、規格化、成本低廉而且本身是使用可回收再利用的環保建材,提出一套適用於本土之永續性開放式系統性救災建築構法策略,並應用此策略進行示範案例之操作。期望能以此提供建築規劃、設計之參考,進而推廣於救災建築觀念。本研究擬針對目前市場既有之應急空間系統(如組合屋等)之適用性做全面性之檢討,檢視目前台灣普遍性使用之救災建築與國外屬於永續救災建築案例,分析探討市面上救災建築設計要點。進行檢討並於改善說明。本研究之進行方式與主要內容如下:? 第二章 以分析目前台灣本土救災安置場所及安置場所使用時間性,及分析組合屋與中繼屋之差別,並了解「救災建築」中需要面向,在本研究中會分為「救災安置建築」永續課題三大面向,說明對於設計四大因子關係。另一探討為「永續建築探討」運用於救災建築中,找尋適合因子,在四大面向是以永續建築中開放式系統性裡分析出,1.構法、2.工法、3.材料、4.效益四大主要面向因子,以四大面向分析為六個設計因子並說明。? 第三章 主要探討國內外救災案例,國內以使用過救災建築為案例,而國外探討案例為主要以板茂建築師,及日本応急仮設住宅為探討分析對象。分析說明後以第二章設計之因子等級評分表明確說明設計要點及重點。? 第四章 應用此永續性開放式系統性救災建築構法策略,進行示範案例之操作,並針對設計成果作完整的永續性開放式系統性救災建築構法策略分析與檢討。 Base on the intensified global warming, many environmental problems are getting more frequent and severe and reconstruction after catastrophic effects in affected area has become an important issue such as base selecting, ground leveling , quality/space of living environment.prefabricated houses (assemble house) reveals its convenience and functionality, especially in the cases of irresistible natural disasters (earthquakes, typhoons….) happened or man-made damage to the original residence (collapse or destruction to the houses) but the image of the use of prefabricated houses in domestic has remained in the impression of small hut hence prefabricated houses is lack of a more thorough research.For the current status of Taiwan, there is no much difference between prefabricated houses, traditional light construction site for temporary works and traditional metal house. Although from the economic/construction point of view, they are still doable. But in terms of environmental/living quality issue, how to build up safe residential functions for temporary workers while being affordable with local standard of living is the most urgent matter faced right now.Because of the great diversity of assemble houses offered in the market e.g. from the local metal containers to the Paper Log House (paper based tube housing), the research will focus on the creation of a set of design factors/strategies for disaster relief construction system. And its advantages have ease of assemble/disassemble standardization, low cost and recyclability and fully match with the concept of green housing and local construction style for disaster relief. As a result, this research could be used as a reference for construction planning or architectural design and thus promote the concept for safe construction of disaster relief.The study focuses on the comprehensive use of emergent space (e.g. prefabricated houses), reviews the cases in Taiwan and abroad and analysis of architectural design for disaster relief in the market and possible improvements.The way to conduct this study includes the following 4 major elements:Firstly duration analysis for current placement for disaster relief in Taiwan and resettlement places for use and the investigation of difference between prefabricated houses and mid way in order to take a deeper understanding of rescue building in relief. The research has divided in 3 parts to explain the relationships between the 4 factors in design. Another focus will be the discussion of sustainable/recyclable material for relieved construction and seek for suitable factors/elements e.g. 1.Structure, 2.Construction methods, 3.Materials 4.benefit. And then use the 4 main factors as base to explain the set of 6 design elements.Secondly cases of both domestic and international disaster reliefs will be investigated, for aboard case will based on the architect named Shigeru Ban in Japan.Thirdly some rating elements are implemented to grade and scale different cases and point out the importance of design and the key points for designFourthly the strategies of sustainable open system structure method for relief are implemented and demonstrated through cases and its analysis and review would be studied.
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310002058637 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 582204 4439 2011 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
310002058645 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 582204 4439 2011 c.2 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
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