金門居民對觀光發展之認知、衝擊與態度之研究 = A Study of R...


  • 金門居民對觀光發展之認知、衝擊與態度之研究 = A Study of Residents Cognizance, Impact, and Attitude Towards Tourism Development in Kinmen
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: A Study of Residents Cognizance, Impact, and Attitude Towards Tourism Development in Kinmen
    作者: 陳福海,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 民100
    面頁冊數: 63葉圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 金門居民
    標題: Kinmen residents
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/08888324791839847105
    附註: 參考書目:葉53-59
    其他題名: 金門居民對觀光發展之認知衝擊與態度之研究
    摘要註: 觀光發展除了會帶來正面的效應,也會產生負面的影響,例如產生交通擁擠、誘發犯罪、增加居民生活成本、改變地方居民生活方式等問題。管理當局若未能針對負面的影響妥善的因應與管理,勢必會阻礙觀光產業的發展。金門自1993年開放觀光以來,觀光產業始終是金門地區總體發展計畫裡的重要項目之一。然而,自2001年底至今卻無法顯著的成長。因此,本研究的目的是探討金門地區民眾對當地觀光發展程度認知、觀光發展衝擊認知、與觀光發展態度之現況,及此三者間之關係。本研究係以便利抽樣之方式,發放400份結構式問卷,有效樣本共385份。研究結果發現,受訪者認為金門地區的觀光設施(如停車位、公共廁所、遊憩景觀等)與觀光商業廣告之發展仍顯著不足,但對於遊客的數量則認為是適中;對於金門發展觀光之衝擊,是偏向正面的影響認知;受訪者對於金門發展觀光之態度,大部分是抱持偏向正面的態度,但對開發國際機場並無顯著的正面、或負面的態度,對於擴大觀光發展、發展博奕事業(觀光賭場)、及建設金廈大橋則抱持顯著負面的態度。而觀光發展程度之認知、觀光發展衝擊之認知、及觀光發展態度認知均呈顯著之正相關,並且觀光發展衝擊認知是觀光發展程度及觀光發展態度兩種認知之部分中介變數。本研究之假說均獲得支持。根據研究結果,本研究同時也提出管理意涵與未來研究之建議。 Development of tourism can not only bring forth positive impacts, but also negative impacts, such as traffic jam, inducement of crimes, increase in local living costs, changes in ways of life. The authority must deal with such negative impacts so as to further develop tourism smoothly. Since Kinmen area was allowed to develop tourism in 1993, tourism has always been one of the most important items in Kinmen’s economic development plans. However, since the end of 2001, the tourism of Kinmen has not been able to achieve significant growth. This study aims to understand the status quo of Kinmen people’s perceptions on degree of tourism development, impact of tourism development, attitude towards tourism development, as well as the relations among these three variables. By using the survey, this study distributed 400 structured questionnaires, and some 385 valid questionnaires were returned. The results show that Kinmen’s degree of tourism development is perceived to be low. The impacts of Kinmen’s tourism development are perceived to be positive. The attitude of respondents towards tourism development is positive. Moreover, the relationships between degree of tourism development, the impacts of Kinmen’s tourism development, and the attitude of respondents towards tourism development are all positive, and the impacts of Kinmen’s tourism development serve as a partial mediator of the relationship between degree of tourism development and attitude towards tourism development. All of the three research hypotheses of this study are supported. Practical implications and future study suggestions are discussed on the basis of the above research outcomes.
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