台灣國際獅子300-E1區組織會員發展之研究-組織學習觀點 = A st...


  • 台灣國際獅子300-E1區組織會員發展之研究-組織學習觀點 = A study of District 300-E1 LIONS Club International organization Membership Development─ An organizational Learning Perspective
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: A study of District 300-E1 LIONS Club International organization Membership Development─ An organizational Learning Perspective
    作者: 王寶華,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 民100
    面頁冊數: 67葉圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 非營利組織
    標題: Organizational Learning
    附註: 參考書目:葉53-55
    摘要註: 國際獅子會是一個國際性的社會服務團體,而非救濟機構,從事的社會服務,是與大眾利益有關的人性救濟工作。宗旨在於鼓勵並培養以「服務」之理念作為事業之基礎,並強調社區服務、慈善捐助、急難救助與參與贊助活動的工作為獅子會參與社會公益的主要活動。而國際獅子會300E1區主要在會員發展上的活動,是以動態性的社會服務活動來促進獅友相互之間的學習與成長,從實際的社會服務活動體驗了解獅子會的宗旨與目的,全球各地主要的會員發展活動在於,改善當地社區和世界的生活。本研究從Huber(1991)提出的組織學習四個程序:(1)知識擷取;(2)資訊擴散;(3)資訊解釋;(4)組織記憶等來分析國際獅子會300E1區組織學習的應用及分析國際獅子會300E1區現有會員發展。本研究採質化分析共訪談10位曾經在組織內擔任重要職務的獅子會成員,研究結果發現(1)知識擷取:國際獅子會300E1區在每年新任總監、專區及分區主席與各分會會長、財務、秘書等主要幹部就職前舉辦職前講習,透過此課程可使新任幹部了解會務經營與管理。(2)資訊擴散:國際獅子會以「友誼、成長、服務」為號召,鼓勵在社會上以及個人事業上已經有成就的人士能加入獅子會共同爲自己的事業增添豐富的色彩,能夠與更多有志加入獅子會的獅友分享經驗以及從事社會服務。(3)資訊解釋:新成立的獅子會分會,除了必須遵照國際獅子會的章程運作之外,也透過指派ㄧ位或多位「導獅」來爲新成立的獅子會進行輔導。(4)組織記憶:國際獅子會300E1區及300E2區捐助高雄市政府成立一座圖書館,同時做為獅子會的會館,所有的典章及重要紀錄都存放在這座會館中。 Lions Clubs International is an International social service organization, It aims to encourage and develop a" We Service" concept as the basis for the cause, and the emphasis on community service, charitable donations, disaster relief work and participation in activities sponsored by the Lions Clubs International to participate in social welfare as the main activities. In this study, Huber (1991) that the organizational learning was the organization within the member groups and levels throughout the organization to obtain knowledge and skills in the process, the organization of learning content was divided into four programs:(1) knowledge Acquisition; (2) Information Diffusion; (3) Information Interpretation; (4) Organizational Memory; and so to analyze the Lions Clubs International District 300-E1 application and analysis of organizational learning Lions Clubs International District 300-E1 existing membership development.In this study, used qualitative analysis of interviews with 10 organizations had Important positions within the Lions Clubs Cabinet, the results found(1) knowledge Acquisition: Lions Clubs International District 300-E1 of the District Governor, Region Chairperson and Club President, Cabinet Secretary, Cabinet Treasurer etc. in the new years and other major cadres of office before the pre-service workshops, through this program would enable new cadres to understand the operation and conduct of business management. (2) Information Diffusion: Lions Clubs International for "friendship, growth, service", encouraging the business community and individuals who have already accomplished together to join the Lions Clubs International for their own career to add rich color, by personal achievements in their careers and more interested to join the Lions Clubs International to share experiences and engage in community service. (3) Information to Explain: the newly established branch of Lions Clubs International, Lions Clubs International in addition to compliance with the charter, but also by assigning bit or more "Guiding Lion Training" to the newly formed Lions Clubs International counseling. (4) Organizational Memory: Lions Clubs International District-300E1 and District-300E2 of Kaohsiung City Government set up a library donor, and as the Lions Clubs International, all of the institutions and important records were stored in this clubhouse.
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