歷史建築再利用委外經營機制之因素探討 = Analysis on Reu...


  • 歷史建築再利用委外經營機制之因素探討 = Analysis on Reuse of Historical Buildings by Outsourcing Mechanism
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Analysis on Reuse of Historical Buildings by Outsourcing Mechanism
    作者: 蔡佳倫,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2012[民101]
    面頁冊數: 110面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: AHP
    標題: AHP
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/83374041146433572851
    附註: 參考書目:面99-103
    摘要註: 隨時空背景的變遷,政府意識到歷史古蹟的閒置空間再利用的重要性,不僅大幅降低維護管理費及人力的投入外,更可藉由私部門的創意巧思下,促使歷史建築再活化利用。歷史古蹟如何強化自身建築特色、創新再活化,使其吸引民眾目光之聚焦與回顧歷史文化資產的過往背景,成為文化再傳遞的最佳媒介,誘發業界對其空間營運規劃之可能性及合作意願,進而促進及落實歷史古蹟可再利用之新契機,乃公部門在釋出歷史建築前,勢在必行之首要研究課題。據文建會統計資料可見,現今歷史建築委外經營之案件數始終不見顯著,畢竟在跨越歷史建築種種限制與創意間的衝突下,必使公部門與業界廠商雙方皆有待商榷,為使歷史建築委外經營過程減少爭紛之產生,釐清及彙整公私部門之供需面,實為必然要件,以利歷史建築釋出前、後之相關評估與合約制定,相信在適切的彈性管理與制定下,必能創造公私部門實惠之雙贏局面。有鑑於此,本研究針對南部的公部門、專家學者與業界廠商進行研究調查,透過Saaty(1971)提出之層級分析程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),探討公私部門在歷史建築委外經營之供需面,並提出後續發展之相關應變策略。問卷發放共40份,且透過人員輔佐在旁的方式親自面訪,以提升問卷回收品質。研究設立「建築本體面」、「公私部門合作面」、「商業經營面」等三大構面來探討選擇歷史建築再利用委外經營模式考量因素。研究結果發現,在準則層之三大構面下,公部門部份,首重「B公私部門合作面」占其整體之50%、「C商業經營面」次之,最後為「建築本體面」;而業界廠商與專家學者在三大構面之權重排序結果相同,皆以「A建築本體面」為首,「B公私部門合作面」為輔,最後方為「C商業經營面」,唯不同處在於業界廠商在權重分配比,呈現的皆較專家學者來的平均。公部門、專家群及業界廠商於上述三大構面下,其發展之各次準則層,其考量之評估準則,結果如下:1. 「A建築本體面」構面項下,專家群及業界廠商皆首重「A2建築原有之價值」,公部門則首重「A3區域資源」。2. 「B公私部門合作面」構面項下,公部門及業界廠商首重「B1公部門之協助」,專家群則首重「B3雙方認知的釐清」。3. 「C商業經營面」構面項下,公部門及業界廠商皆首重「結合歷史文化特色」,專家群則首重「C4永續共融的社區發展」。綜合上述可知,隔行如隔山,公私部門皆有不同立場與角色,實有影響其考量評估準則優先順序之不同。因此,本研究在於探討評估歷史建築再利用委外經營機制之因素探討,其實證結果可供政府機關做為在對歷史建築再利用之開放委外經營規劃時的參考依據,亦或是評估調整招商之合約彈性之評估準則,進而協助私部門入駐歷史建築之營運發展,大幅提升我國歷史建築再利用之成功案例,增益台灣歷史建築的整體競爭能力,讓使其得以永續保存與經營之,並能將其文化繼續傳遞下去。 With the change of time, the government has awared the importance and the reuse of the historical buildings. Not only can the maintenance fee be saved, the human labor can be greatly reduced, in addition under the creative ingenuity of private sector, the historical building can be reuse. How we enhence the features of historical architecture, and focus the visitor’s attention and review the historical and cultural assets of the previous background to become the best medium for culture delivery; at the same time, induce the industry’s willingness and the possibility of cooperating in operating this space and to carry out the new possibility of the re-use of the historical building. These are the research projects that the deparment had to make before releasing the historical building. According to the Council for Cultural Affairs, the historical buildings that were contracted for outsourcing were never significant. After all, beyond the limitations of historical buildings and the conflicts between the creativity still need to be confirmed by both the public sector and the industry. Reduceing the conflict of outsourcing the historical building, and to make a distinction and compile the supply and demand of the public and private sectors, is inevitable important. Prior to the release of historical buildings, relevant assessment and contract development are important. Under the pertinent and flexible management and establishment in the public and private sectors will eventually create a win-win situation.In view of this, this research aims at the public agents of the south, professional scholars, and industry manufacturer to carry on a research survey. By Satty (1971) proposed analytic hierarchy process method, discussing the public and private sectors outsourcing of the historical building. Also put forth the related contingency strategy for follow-up. A total of fourty questionnaires were issued, and interviewed in person to improve the quality of questionnaire recalls. The research is established in three dimensions, including the building itself, public and privte partnership, and business side… etc and to consider the historical building to be outsourced.The research result had shown that, under the three dimensions, in the public part, the first priority of “B. public and private partnership” counts as 50% of the whole; follow by “C. Business Side;” and “A. the building itself” is lastly mentioned. The industry manufacturers and professionals had weighted the three dimensions and had agreed upon on the same weighted sequence. They all agreed upont that “A. the building itse” is primary valued first, and “B. public and private partnership” is placed as second, “C. business side” is considered as last. The only differences in weighted sequence between the industry manufacturers and the professional scholars are that industry manufacturers had shown a more average figure than the professional scholars. The three dimentions, including the public sector, professional scholars and industry manufacturers’ development of the sub-criteria layer and its consideration of the assessment criteria, results are as follows:1. Under “A. the building itself,” professional scholars and industry manufacturer both values “A2 the building’s original value” and that public sector values “A3 regional resources” as primary.2. Under “B. the public and private sector,” public department and the industry manufacturer values “B1 assistance from the public sector,” and that professional scholars values “B3 clarify both cognition.”3. Under “C business side” both the public department and industry manufactuer values “cobime the historical cultural specialty and that professional scholars From the above description, public and private departments have their own views and perception; and will have impact on their priority concers of the different assessment criterias. Therefore, this research is based on analyzing the reuse of historical building by oursouricng mechanism. The result of this research can provide relevant information to the government agency for future references on reusing of historical building when outsouring or even to in evaluating standart when adjusting business contracts. This can further assist the private sector to reside to the operation and development of historical building. With the successful historical building reuse cases, Taiwan can enhance its competiveness of historical building as a whole.
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310002198938 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 582204 4422.3 2012 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
310002198946 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 582204 4422.3 2012 c.2 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
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