低碳時代的生態木構住宅 = Ecological Wooden Hous...


  • 低碳時代的生態木構住宅 = Ecological Wooden House Design in Low-Carbon Era
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Ecological Wooden House Design in Low-Carbon Era
    作者: 劉昕月,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2012[民101]
    面頁冊數: 171面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 木造住宅
    標題: Wooden House
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/84733838925202082213
    附註: 參考書目:面169-171
    摘要註: 世衛組織已確定需要通過住房發展和指導方針制定方案,以減少溫室氣體的排放。這些方案預計為經濟復甦作出貢獻,成為綠色經濟的關鍵因素。同時認為須將綠色建築守則-生命週期分析及健康元素納入建設中,優先考慮到低碳,低成本和健康。據統計,全球的建築相關產業將近消耗了50%的地球能源、50%水資源、40%材料、80%農地損失;同時產生了50%的空氣汙染、42%的溫室氣體、50%的水汙染、48%的固體廢棄物與50%的氟氯化合物,因此,重新省思不當的建築設計與營造工法可能帶來的負面衝擊也是相關領域專業者應嚴重正視的當務之急。木建築在高度開發的國家中,經常是建築從事者對此環保材料高度認知的表現,其設計挑戰也經常是這些地區建築師的設計首選。不僅是因為在節能減碳的全球環境議題上有高度的表現,其所能營造的室內環境品質亦有益身心健康,木材除了本身多項的優秀材質特性外,亦是最佳的低碳綠建材。其乾式施工與容易系統化施工的方式更為其他材料所不能及。本研究之目的,一方面透過文獻探討現代木建築的國際發展趨勢,從材料特性、設計、施工方法與建築特質等面向,探討木構住宅在低碳設計中扮演何等之角色,另一方面,藉由現地調查木造住宅在台灣的實際案例,探討本土木構住宅的耐久性及屋況優劣是否受到人為因素、氣候條件、與法規面影響,並藉由屋主的使用心得綜合歸納後,提出適宜本土並足供參考之設計基準。研究成果顯示,阻礙木構住宅推動之因子,與人為因素有密切關係,如漏水、隔音與震動問題是由於施工品質及設計要求之等級有關,木屋外牆每三年須維護保養之問題與材料之選擇有關,木質材料常被認為有蟲蟻蛀蝕或腐朽之問題,事實上也與通風、避濕防水與施工要求(含水率標準)有關,皆是技術上可以克服的。而且不同工法或房屋系統均可在台灣合宜發展。一般認為台灣高溫多濕之氣候條件不利木構住宅之發展,但透過本研究之討論與分析後可知,若能針對台灣各地區之微氣候條件發展更因地制宜之木造住宅設計及其細部構法,將可使木構住宅在台灣邁向更高之境界,發展真正合乎低碳時代之生態住宅。 The WHO has identified that there is a need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through developing housing and health guidelines. Lots of countries are developing programs which are expected to contribute to economic recovery and to become a key element in greening the economy. Underlined the need to strengthen life‐cycle analysis of buildings and looking at the health effects. Low carbon, low cost and healthy issues should be considered as priority.According to statistics, Construction industries around the world, nearly consumed 50% of the global energy, 50% of water resource, 40% of the raw material and 80% loss of agricultural land. Simultaneously, construction industries generate 50% of air pollution, 42% of greenhouse gases, 50% of water pollution, 48% of solid waste and 50% of the CFC compounds. Therefore, to rethink the negative impacts due to inappropriate architectural design and construction methods should be one of the most serious tasks of all related professions.Wood architecture usually represents as a high awareness on ecological materials in many developed countries. The design concepts of wood architecture are also considered as priority for most of architects. Not only their excellent performance on energy saved and carbon reduction, but also they can provide better indoor environmental quality that benefit human healthy. Wood is the best low-carbon green material. Comparing to the other materials, the dry method of wood construction facilitate significantly the construction.The purposes of this research are in one hand, to discuss the role of wooden houses in low carbon design by reviewing the global trends including material characteristics, design and construction methods. In other hand, to study the influencing factors of the durability and physical situations of wooden houses in Taiwan, such as human behaviors, climate condition and construction regulations by investigating the users’ feed back in different cases. Finally the basis considerations for local design will be concluded and proposed. The results display, the key factors of promoting the wooded houses in Taiwan are related to followings: the construction quality, design request, regular maintenance and material control. Most of them can be technically overcome and in fact, different systems or construction methods of wooden houses are feasible in Taiwan.As conventional opinion pronounced, hot and humid weather obstructs the development of wooded houses in Taiwan. On the contrary, according to the results and analysis of this research, wooden houses can be promoted as a true ecological housing type in Taiwan by studying more details regarding the micro-climate problems of different localities in the low carbon era.
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