大富翁機制線上學習遊戲平台之形成性設計與評估 = The Formati...


  • 大富翁機制線上學習遊戲平台之形成性設計與評估 = The Formative Design and Evaluation of a Monopoly-Mechanism Online Learning Game and Management Platform
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: The Formative Design and Evaluation of a Monopoly-Mechanism Online Learning Game and Management Platform
    Author: 洪偉鈞,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 民100[2011]
    Description: 69面圖,表 : 30公分;
    Subject: 形成性設計
    Subject: formative design
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/56514687395693845972
    Notes: 參考書目:面57-62
    Summary: 國內大多數企業經營模擬學習遊戲著重於遊戲的教學目標上,而疏忽了遊戲本身的趣味性,如此便可能降低學生對於該教學遊戲的熱情與持續使用性;且其教學管理功能也多僅支援教師個人實施教學遊戲的基本層面,不但使用性不高,亦無法像數位學習(e-Learning)平台能提供更多師生共用的教學管理平台環境。為解決上述議題,本研究專注於線上遊戲教學平台之形成性設計過程與評估:除了提供教師更完整且方便的課程管理規劃外,並結合大富翁機制教學遊戲於此教學平台中;在此教學平台的完整形成性設計與發展過程中,本研究範籌設定於初期的形成性設計與評估,提升其使用性,並希望能在不失遊戲趣味性的前提下,改良大富翁遊戲,使其能成為富含教學意義的商業模擬遊戲。雛形系統建置前,本研究以物件導向系統分析方法進行教學平台之系統需求分析及設計,並以统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)繪製使用案例圖、循序圖與類別圖來表達分析與設計成果;系統開發為達成跨平台與免安裝的執行方式,前端採用JSP與JavaScript,後端則使用Servlet,而全部的開發工具與套件皆採用開放原始碼之軟體,包含MySQL、Tomcat、Eclipse、jQuery與DWR。雛型系統開發至可進行測試評估階段後,本研究隨即進行兩階段之介面使用性評估,包含認知走察與啟發式評估,在共六位評估者的建議下,本研究進行雛形系統修改,並進行最後一階段小規模的32位潛在使用者的體驗後問卷調查。前兩階段的進階使用者的使用性評估結果,共收到8個功能性與7個設計原則改進的意見,而本研究亦在討論與斟酌後,除了錯誤處理機制外,其它14個修改建議,在本論文可行的條件下已對遊戲進行適當的修正。在第三階段的問卷調查中,玩家能確實感受到本學習遊戲所新增的房地產交易功能及欲傳達的學習概念;作為教學遊戲而言,本遊戲的介面設計亦得到玩家基本認同,並獲得玩家較高再次使用本平台作為教學工具的意願。整體結果得到中間偏正向的使用者滿意度,玩家對於本平台現階段狀態皆抱持肯定的態度,但期許更大的進步空間。本論文研究成果,將可提供本遊戲教學平台後續的形成性設計做為修正參考,以達成高使用性、接近真實但又維持大富翁機制的遊戲趣味性,以及教學與學習管理兼具的平台典範目標。 Many business simulation learning games in Taiwan focus on the learning objective and ignore the enjoyment of the game, which may decrease students’ passion and continuous usage for playing the learning game. Meanwhile, majority of business simulation games only supports basic functionality to teachers at the individual level, which may lower its usability and is unable to provide the full functionality like e-Learning platform. This research addresses the above issues by designing an online learning game platform with the formative design and evaluation approach. This platform combines the Monopoly-mechanism learning game and the course management, which is more convenient and comprehensive for teachers to facility course planning and implementation. This research scope is set to the initial stage of the whole formative design process. The research goal is thus to use the formative design and evaluation process to improve the usability of the target platform, as well as to improve the monopoly game without losing its level of pleasure as a rich learning-oriented commercial business simulation game. Before implementing the prototype system, this research adopts the object-oriented method for the system analysis and design, and presents the deign result with use case diagram, sequence diagram and class diagram in Unified Modeling Language (UML). The development uses Java programming language for cross-platform compatibility at execution time. All the development tool kit are open source software, including JSP and JavaScript as the front end, Servlet as the back end, MySQL database, Tomcat web server, Eclipse, jQuery, and DWR. After completing the development of the prototype system, a two-phase experiment, including cognitive walkthrough and heuristic evaluation, are used to evaluate the usability of the interface. The prototype system was adjusted according to six evaluators’ suggestions before conducting the last questionnaire experiment of 32 potential users. The two-phase usability experiment resulted 8 functional issues and 7 guidelines violations. This research had modified all but the error-handling mechanism in a viable way. Users in the last questionnaire experiment confirmed experiencing the additional functionalities and learning concept of the real estate business transaction in the game. Regard Monopoly-mechanism learning game as a teaching game, users also perceived a positive recognition of the interface design, and continuous usage of the platform as a teaching toolkit. The overall questionnaire result shows medium to slight positive attitude toward the user satisfaction of the system. The research results can be used as the reference for the remaining formative design to reach high usability, close to reality while maintaining the game pleasure for becoming a paradigmatic platform of game learning platform.
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310002199530 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 464105 3428 2011 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
310002199548 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 464105 3428 2011 c.2 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
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