植物硫鐵蛋白轉殖水稻在鹽逆境下具有較高的光合作用效率 = Plant F...


  • 植物硫鐵蛋白轉殖水稻在鹽逆境下具有較高的光合作用效率 = Plant Ferredoxin-like Protein (pflp) Transgenic Rice Exhibits Higher Photosynthesis Activity under Salt Stress
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Plant Ferredoxin-like Protein (pflp) Transgenic Rice Exhibits Higher Photosynthesis Activity under Salt Stress
    作者: 趙晛羽,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2012[民101]
    面頁冊數: 48面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 植物硫鐵蛋白
    標題: plant ferredoxin-like protein (PFLP)
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/03732278674497796845
    附註: 106年10月31日公開
    附註: 參考書目:面33-40
    摘要註: 光合作用是世界上最重要的生化反應之一,其利用光能將二氧化碳進行同化,形成醣類或澱粉以供植物生長。從甜椒萃取之植物硫鐵蛋白(Plant Ferredoxin-Like Protein,PFLP) 經蛋白質序列比對後發現,其序列與阿拉伯芥、蕃茄、水稻及菠菜之第一型硫鐵蛋白有高度同源性。先前研究指出持續表達pflp於台農67號水稻以及蝴蝶蘭中能增強光合作用碳固定的效率。鹽害是目前急待解決的重要課題,據估計全球有大於30%的灌溉區域遭受鹽害的問題。本研究目的在於探討pflp轉殖水稻在鹽逆境之下,是否能維持光合作用效率。實驗結果顯示在鹽逆境下轉殖水稻具有較好的電子傳遞速率,並且維持葉綠素a/b比值。另外轉殖水稻在鹽逆境下累積較少的過氧化物,膜脂質的氧化程度也明顯較低。可溶性醣類含量分析方面,鹽處理之後台農67號水稻不論葡萄糖、果糖或蔗糖的含量相較於轉植株皆大幅上升,而台農67號水稻中降解澱粉相關基因轉錄活性也高於轉殖水稻。綜合上述結果,pflp轉殖水稻具有較佳的鹽逆境抗性,能在鹽逆境下維持正常的生理狀態。 Photosynthesis is the major biochemical pathway that assimilates carbon dioxide (CO2) into organic compounds for plant growth. Plant ferredoxin-like protein (PFLP) was isolated from sweet peppers, shows high homology to the Fd-I sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana, Lycopersicon esculentum, Oryza sativa and Spinacia oleracea. Previous studies show that constitutive expression of the pflp in transgenic plants rice TNG67 and Phalaenopsis can enhance photosynthetic efficiency. Salinity is a major abiotic stress factor limiting growth and productivity of crops in irrigated regions of the world. To investigate the possibility of PFLP may maintains better photosynthetic efficiency under salt stress, two pflp transgenic rice lines were treated with high salinity condition and then detected their photosynthetic efficiency. Transgenic lines maintain better photosynthetic electron transport and chlorophyll a/b ratio under salt stress. Additionally, transgenic lines accumulate less ROS and MDA concentrations under salt stress. TNG67 accumulate highly soluble sugar contents than these of transgenic lines under salt stress. The transcript activity of starch degradation related genes in TNG67 were higher than these of transgenic lines under salt stress. These above results indicate that pflp transgenic rice have higher salinity tolerance to maintain normal growth under salt stress.