影響離職成員回任傾向因素之探討 = Analysis of Determ...


  • 影響離職成員回任傾向因素之探討 = Analysis of Determining Factors on Turnover Employee' Intention to Reinstate : 以M公司為例; The Case of M Company
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Analysis of Determining Factors on Turnover Employee' Intention to Reinstate
    副題名: 以M公司為例
    作者: 張淑怡,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2012[民101]
    面頁冊數: 136面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 工作動機
    標題: Job motivation
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/51129628896352682554
    附註: 106年10月31日公開
    附註: 參考書目:面109-124
    附註: 含附錄
    其他題名: 以M公司為例
    摘要註: 以往探討組織成員離職之議題時,多著重於成員的離職傾向或行為,惟關於影響離職成員回任傾向之因素研究相當有限。然而組織行為及社會心理學家提供不同的動機理論來闡明個人內外在動機需求對於行為決策之重要性。由此可知,當探討行為決策或意圖時,若能同時考量個人及組織之影響因素,將使得研究本身更臻完善。基於此,本研究係以工作動機探討影響離職成員其回任傾向之因素關係,並納入近來頗受招募學者所重視之「雇主知識」作為調節變項,以期瞭解離職成員之回任行為模式。本研究利用問卷調查法以軟式印刷電路板產業之M公司為例,篩選2011年3月至2012年4月之間的1,858位離職成員作為研究對象,有效樣本為726份,有效樣本率為39.07%。實證結果發現,經由階層迴歸分析,內在工作動機之挑戰自我與外在工作動機之外向表現對離職成員之回任傾向具有顯著效果,且雇主知識各衡量構面對工作動機與回任傾向間之關係有顯著調節效果。本研究提供實務界之離職成員回任管理作為參考依據,使人力資源之回任策略發展更趨完整。 Previous works on employee' turnover always focused only on turnover intention or behavior factors, although there are only limited researches discussing the influence of turnover employee' intention to reinstate issues. Hence its individual and organizational factors will be applied to this purpose to discuss the relationship among job motivation, employer knowledge and intention to reinstate. Furthermore, this paper draws on marketing concepts of employer brand to the recruitment context to identify the moderation effects of employer knowledge. Apply questionnaire survey that analysis to the 1,858 turnover employee' left FPC company from March, 2011 to April, 2012, this study obtained 726 turnover employee' qualified for further analysis, representing a 39.07% sampling response rate, and found that job motivation was positively associated with intention to reinstate. Nevertheless, degree of employer knowledge intensiveness moderated the relationship between job motivation and intention to reinstate as previously hypothesized. Practical implications and recommendations are provided.