大陸農民專業合作社之研究 = A Research on the Far...


  • 大陸農民專業合作社之研究 = A Research on the Farmers’ Special Cooperatives of Mainland China:Observing it from the Exemption of Anti-monopoly Law : 兼論排除適用《反壟斷法》之觀察
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: A Research on the Farmers’ Special Cooperatives of Mainland China:Observing it from the Exemption of Anti-monopoly Law
    副題名: 兼論排除適用《反壟斷法》之觀察
    作者: 王志仁,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2012[民101]
    面頁冊數: 202面30公分;
    標題: 社會主義市場經濟
    標題: the socialist market economy
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/67872055208594158098
    附註: 參考書目:面187-191
    其他題名: 兼論排除適用《反壟斷法》之觀察
    其他題名: 兼論排除適用反壟斷法之觀察
    摘要註: 大陸自1978年進行「改革開放」政策,由原本之「計畫經濟」轉變為「有計畫之商品經濟」,接著於1993年修正《憲法》時,明定為朝向「社會主義市場經濟」之經濟體制。接著於2001年12月11日,大陸加入世界貿易組織(WTO)之後,與世界各國之經濟活動益形頻繁,而且,為因應加入WTO後,世界各國企業將進入大陸市場,而可能遭受強大的市場競爭壓力,乃相繼制定《反壟斷法》,以及與市場活動相關之公司、證券、金融等法制。然而,除了《反壟斷法》之外,大陸亦於2007年制定《農民專業合作社法》。前者,在於維護市場競爭秩序,禁止限制或排除競爭行為,確保公平競爭環境,達到有效率之競爭目的;後者,則明確地賦予農民專業合作社之法律地位及相關權利義務,同時課予政府對合作社應提供財政與租稅上之優惠,以鼓勵發展並善盡扶植之義務。惟《反壟斷法》第56條設有農業得於特定主體從事特定行為時,得排除該法適用之規定,其與《反壟斷法》之立法目的似有牴觸。若進一步參照大陸目前農民專業合作社之運作現況,競爭法將之列為適用除外項目之一,是否具合理性?本文首先敘述大陸由計畫性市場經濟轉型為「社會主義市場經濟」之歷史背景;其次探討合作經濟組織、大陸農民專業合作社之成因、性質與經營運模式;其次,參照先進國家有關競爭法之適用除外之實施經驗,析述《反壟斷法》第56條之構成要件,並以大陸實施「農業產業化經營」相關案例,探討該規定之適法性與妥當性,最後並提供《反壟斷法》未來修法與競爭法實務之建議。 In 1978, Mainland China had adopted the economic reform policy that has changed the economic system from the plan economy to the plan commodities economy. Then, the PRC Constitution was amended in 1993, providing the socialist market economy in there. Therefore, the Mainland China economic system has been stably established. Mainland China had joined WTO on December 11, 2001, and its trade with other countries began to increase rapidly, with so many foreign large manufacturing companies which giving rise to large pressure in merchandising their products in the world market. So many regulations relating businesses have also been developed. Up to 2007, Mainland China had drawn up “Anti-monopoly Law”, and the others including corporation law and security exchange regulations. Either “Anti-monopoly Law” or “Farmers’ Special Cooperatives Law” was drawn up in the same year-2007. The former has a main purpose to maintain the market competitive order for prohibiting exclusive behaviors, for ensuring a fair and competitive environment to attain effective competition; the latter regulates legal status of the Farmers’ Special Cooperatives, and its rights and duty clearly, and demands the government are obligated to give it a financial assistance and tax deduction in order to encourage its development. But, the 56th Article of “Anti-monopoly Law” provides that when farmers’ special cooperatives engage in a specified act, it can exempt from the “Anti-monopoly Law”. Therefore, it seems that this kind of exemption contradicts to the purpose of “Anti-monopoly Law”. And, it arises in a question why there is an exemption system in the competitive regulation. Is this Article reasonable, in terms of the operational state of the farmers’ special cooperatives? This paper first describes the historic background of the Mainland China economic transition from the plan market economy to the socialist market economy. Secondly, it analyses the organization and the cause of establishing the Farmers’ Special Cooperatives, and its legal status and operation mode. And then, the exemption of “Anti-monopoly Law” has been discussed in terms of relative experiences of the competition systems of developed countries. Finally, this paper explores upon the 56th Article of the “Anti-monopoly Law”, including its legality and legitimacy of the industrialized operation of agriculture performed in Mainland China, and recommend for amending “Anti-monopoly Law” in the future and set forth in some opinions concerning competition practices nowadays.
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