英語能力分組教學對國中生英語學習成效與學習態度之影響 = Effects...


  • 英語能力分組教學對國中生英語學習成效與學習態度之影響 = Effects of English Ability Grouping Instruction on Academic Achievements and Learning Attitude for Junior High Students:The Case Of Youchang Junior High School : 以高雄市右昌國中為例
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Effects of English Ability Grouping Instruction on Academic Achievements and Learning Attitude for Junior High Students:The Case Of Youchang Junior High School
    副題名: 以高雄市右昌國中為例
    作者: 謝芷瑩,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2012[民101]
    面頁冊數: 56面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 能力分組
    標題: Ability Grouping
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/31755784879596837196
    附註: 附錄:1.態度問卷高成就組;2.態度問卷低成就組
    附註: 參考書目:面41-45
    摘要註: 本研究在探討英語能力分組教學對國中生學習成效及學習態度之影響,主要研究目標分別是:(一)英語分組教學是否能促進學生學習動機,進而提昇高低成就組學生的學習態度。(二)英語分組教學是否能提昇高低成就組學生在校的英語成績。研究對象是高雄市右昌國中三年級能力分組後的高成就組學生45人和低成就組學生31人,在相同英語老師授課的條件下,施測對象三年級上學期時,實施態度問卷調查以了解能力分組後學生學習態度及想法,從英語成就測驗前後測(分別在施測對象二下第三次段考和三上第一次段考實施)來了解能力分組後學生的學習成效,並以spss統計軟體中的成對樣本t檢定、量表信度分析、比較平均數法的單因子變異數之統計方法進行分析。研究結果發現:(一)學生的學習成就和學習態度是相關的,對英語學習持正向態度的學生,在分組前後其學習成就亦較好。故英語能力分組教學對高成就組學生受益較多,對低成就組學生受益較少;(二)高成就組學生在分組前後對英語的學習偏好都比低成就組學生高;英語能力分組教學對高成就組學習偏好有影響,分組後高成就組學生對英語的學習偏好低於分組前;而對低成就組學生而言,分組前後對英語學習偏好的影響不大;(三)英語能力分組教學後,高成就組學生重視與同儕之間的互動,而低成就組學生因學習壓力減輕也較能自在的拓展人際關係。(四)英語能力分組教學後,高成就組學生因學習進度較快且內容較深較廣,導致心理上的壓力與焦慮;低成就組學生因學習動機低落且花在寫作業的時間較少,上課不專心,故教師花較多時間在班級管理上,也對學生較少要求及期待,導致自信心與成就感低落。根據以上研究結果,本研究提出以下建議:(一)學校應依據規定確實依學生英語程度進行能力分組教學,切勿為了排課及跑班上課作業之便,而違反規定;(二)教師應尊重每一位孩子,提供學生適性且友善的學習環境,並協助不適應的學生調適心態,分組學習是為了達到因材施教的目的而非標籤化;(三)學校行政單位應視學生表現定期調整學生組別,激勵學生更加努力學習,在良性競爭中互相求進步以維持在原本的組別;而對於低成就的學生,學校應建立補救教學制度,以降低學習挫折感並提升學生學習效果;(四)教師應視學生程度不同提供適性的教材內容與評量,使學生都能在適性的教導中快樂學習且增進其學習意願;(五)教師應尊重學生個別差異並關懷其學習狀況,適時的關心與輔導,更能提昇學生的學習成效。 The research was to explore the effects of English ability grouping instruction on academic achievements and learning attitude for junior high students. The main purpose is to investigate whether or not ability grouping prompts the subjects’ motivation and upgrade the subjects’ attitude toward English learning, and to find out whether or not ability grouping is helpful for the subjects in the growth in English achievements. The research focused on the 85 students in ninth-grade of Yochang Junior High in Kaohsiung. They were administered a pretest and a posttest of English Academic achievement to understand the English achievements after ability grouping. The questionnaires were designed to understand the subject’s motivation and attitudes toward English learning after ability grouping. The responses in the questionnaires were analyzed by using the SPSS system, Pair-Samples T-test, One-way Analysis of Variance, Cronbach α. The findings of the study are summarized as follows:1.Students with positive attitude toward English learning had better English achievements before and after ability grouping. Therefore, the practice of the English ability grouping prompted the high achievers to learn more and the low achievers to learn less.2.The students with high English achievements had stronger preferences for English learning before and after ability grouping. However, the students with low English achievements didn’t increace their preferences for English learning after ability grouping.3.After English ability grouping, the high achievers emphasize the cooperation learning. On the other hand, the low achievers had less pressure to learn and more chances to develop social relationship.Based on the findings, some suggestions were provided as follows:1.Teachers should respect individual differences between students and provide an efficient and friendly learning environment. To assist those who have serious problems of adjustments to understand learning by ability grouping is the way to learn effectively and productively. The more concern and aid teachers give, the better students’ English learning effects can be.2.With students’ English performance during the semester, administrators in school should adjust students’ groups regularly to inspire students to learn harder to maintain the same group or to adjust to the group of high achievements. For the students with low achievements, schools should set up the supplement system of English learning to reduce the frustrations of English learning and promote the learning efficiency. 3.It’s necessary for teachers to access students’ performance using multidimensional assessments and to provide students suitable learning material.
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