醫事人力、醫院屬性與醫療服務量關係之研究 = A Study of Re...


  • 醫事人力、醫院屬性與醫療服務量關係之研究 = A Study of Relationships Among Medical Manpower, Hospital Attribute and Medical Service Volume
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: A Study of Relationships Among Medical Manpower, Hospital Attribute and Medical Service Volume
    作者: 杜佩華,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2012[民101]
    面頁冊數: 134面表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 醫事人力
    標題: Medical Manpower
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/25934166402304308072
    附註: 參考書目:面114-126
    其他題名: 醫事人力醫院屬性與醫療服務量關係之研究
    摘要註: 臺灣自1995 年開辦全民健保,在健保支出不斷增加的壓力下,健保局被迫執行多項費用抑制措施,期使減緩健保財務缺口,為因應此政策,各醫療機構無不盡力控制人力成本與致力於醫院人事扁平化,人事部門採遇缺不補,或以約聘僱用部分工時形式處理護理人力的問題。醫護人員鬧人力荒,工作負荷過重,勞動條件惡劣,如此惡性循環終致過勞案例頻傳,引發外界抨擊為「血汗醫院」。醫療急重症的急診科、內、外、婦、兒科醫師匱乏問題面臨崩盤,麻醉科人力也吃緊,已然「六大皆空」趨勢。台灣整體醫療環境面臨多重的挑戰與改變:人口老化帶來醫療需求增加、醫藥科技的日新月異、新的疾病與感染(AIDS)﹑SARS﹑禽流感等接踵而來;可預見未來各醫療機構的服務量將呈現持續增加的趨勢。本研究以2010年醫院醫療服務量及醫療機構現況檔的資料為分析基礎,採描述性統計分析﹑t檢定﹑及單因子變異數分析方法,探討醫院人員數(醫師人數、護理人數及醫技人員人數)與醫療服務量的關係,驗證不同的醫院屬性對醫事人員數及醫療服務量的差異。本研究相關分析的結果發現︰一、醫事人力愈充裕,從事愈高的醫療服務量。二、教學醫院的醫療服務量普遍高於非教學醫院。三、評鑑特優醫院普遍高於評鑑優等及評鑑合格醫院。四、公立醫院或軍方及榮民醫院的服務量普遍高於非公立醫院。五、台北醫療區域醫療服務量普遍高於其他區域。 Since the adopting of the National Health Insurance (NHI) in 1995, the National Health Insurance Bureau (NHIB) has been under constant financial pressure due to the exorbitant amount of insurance claims. In order prevent bankruptcy, the NHIB devised strategies aimed at reducing costs through restricting qualifying conditions for claims. However, in response to the implementation of these polices, medical institutions across the country are forced to measures such as limiting the volume of their manpower, hiring part-time employees as a temporary solution, or simply ignoring vacancies in some positions.The deficiency in medical professionals resulted in harsh working conditions and hours for the existing staff, leading to several cases of overworking and exhaustion, branding several institutions as “sweat hospitals”. The lack of professionals in the ER, as well as in the fields of internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, and anesthetics has become a serious problem that needs to be addressed.The health care environment in Taiwan is facing many challenges and changes: Growing demand for health care from the aging community, innovative breakthroughs in medical technology and research, new strands of viruses and infections such as SARS, HIV, and Avian Influenza. These growing problems indicate a trend of strong growth in health care needs in the near future.This paper describes the research conducted using information from the 2010 census on hospital medical service and medical institution status for Descriptive Statistics Analysis, Correlation Analysis, T-test, One-Way Anova to examine the correlation between quantity of medical manpower and service quantity and quality, verifying the differences in medical services provided due to hospital attributes.Through analysis of this research:1.The quantity of medical manpower shows a positive correlation with quantity of service provided.2.Teaching hospitals generally provide more service than non-teaching hospitals.3.Hospitals accredited exceptionally provide more service than those accredited great or good4.Pubic and military hospitals generally provide more service than private hospitals.5.Hospitals in the Taipei Medical Districted generally provide more service than other regions.
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