派遣勞工工作滿意度之研究 = A Study of Work Satis...


  • 派遣勞工工作滿意度之研究 = A Study of Work Satisfaction of Dispatched Workers:The Case of ME Company : 以滿意人力資源顧問公司為例
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: A Study of Work Satisfaction of Dispatched Workers:The Case of ME Company
    Title Information: 以滿意人力資源顧問公司為例
    Author: 張再巽,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2012[民101]
    Description: 80面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    Subject: 派遣勞工
    Subject: Dispatched Workers
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/60218560663448990708
    Notes: 參考書目:面70-75
    [NT 15001349]: 以滿意人力資源顧問公司為例
    Summary: 全球化趨勢下,經濟環境變動加劇,企業遭逢更為艱困的挑戰,而為求提升競爭力,人力派遣成為企業控管人力成本的策略之一,透過派遣勞工,企業能快速反應市場需求;彈性應對專案或臨時性任務,將人力資源作最適切的配置,降低企業冗員與人力成本。當前人力派遣產業發展蓬勃,但相關派遣勞工法令與管理辦法卻仍未完備,是以派遣勞工有助於企業精簡人力成本,但其於派遣體制下是否亦能獲得相應的權益保障與高度之工作滿意,此為本研究所欲探討之處。 本研究依循研究目的,彙整文獻資料來制定研究架構與假說,以滿意人力資源顧問公司之派遣員工作為研究對象,針對派遣員工之薪酬、工作投入、工作動機等構面來探討其對派遣員工之工作滿意度的影響。本研究由個案公司回收297份有效問卷,作為分析資料的樣本,並經由信度分析、因素分析,本研究將構面重建為薪酬制度、薪酬管理、工作認知、投入程度、工作態度、成就目標等7個變數,以此進行相關分析與迴歸分析,其研究結果如下:(一)薪酬方面,薪酬制度與薪酬管理對派遣員工之工作滿意度呈正相關,且在迴歸分析上有顯著正向的影響。(二)工作投入方面,工作認知與投入程度對派遣員工之工作滿意度呈正相關,但在迴歸分析上,只有投入程度對工作滿意度有顯著的正向影響。(三)工作動機方面,工作態度與成就目標對派遣員工之工作滿意度皆呈正相關,但迴歸分析上,只有工作態度的部分對工作滿意度有顯著之正向影響關係。 Due to the globalization, the economic environment has been changed severely and the operations of enterprises are expected to encounter more difficult challenges. For the improvement of competitiveness, an employee dispatching becomes one of the tactics for enterprises to reduce labor cost. By using dispatched workers, enterprises can respond to the market demand rapidly and react to projects or temporary tasks in a flexible way. Also, they will dispose human resources appropriately and reduce redundant personnel and labor cost. Currently, the employee dispatching industry has been formed hastily; however, the statute and regulations concerning employee dispatching are still inadequate. Employee dispatching contributes to the reduction of enterprises’ labor cost. Nevertheless, dispatched workers under the dispatching system whether they can obtain corresponding right protection and work satisfaction are worthy to be investigated. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of dispatched workers compensation, job involvement, and work motivation on work satisfaction. A sample consisting of 297 dispatched workers obtained from the ME Company, who has dispatched workers to various companies. The major findings resulting from undertaking factor, correlation, and regression analyses are summarized as follows:1.Wage compensation and reward management have positive and significant effect on work satisfaction of dispatched workers in both correlation and regression analyses.2.Work recognition and the degree of job involvement have position correlation on work satisfaction of dispatched workers; however, only the degree of job involvement has significant positive effect in regression analysis.3.Work motivation, work attitude, and goal achievement have position correlation on work satisfaction of dispatched workers; however, only the work attitude has significant position effect in regression analysis.
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