論護理人員在醫療過失中之刑事責任 = Criminal Judgment...


  • 論護理人員在醫療過失中之刑事責任 = Criminal Judgments to Medical Negligence in Nursing Professionals
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Criminal Judgments to Medical Negligence in Nursing Professionals
    作者: 黃惠滿,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2012[民101]
    面頁冊數: 160面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 醫療過失
    標題: Medical negligence
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/02577869615203280194
    附註: 參考書目:面145-150
    摘要註: 護理人員在醫療過失中刑事責任之議題缺少研究探討。本研究先以文獻分析方式討論護理人員在健康照護體系中之角色功能、過失犯與醫療過失、及護理人員醫療過失行為之刑法評價,再以實證分析方法,採次級資料回溯分析方式,分析由司法院法學資料檢索系統彙集最高法院中護理人員醫療過失之刑事判決案例。護病關係之發展,除事實關係外,尚須探討病人與護理人員間之法律關係。護理人員醫療過失係護理人員執行業務時,包括從事護理或醫療輔助行為時違反注意義務,造成病人重傷或死亡,經法院判決應負刑責者。護理人員是否違反注意義務應以行為當時臨床護理實踐之水準來判斷。 實證分析結果:最高法院自1997年至2012年6月的醫療過失判決中護理人員涉案的有15例,七例為有罪,服務單位以長期照護單位最多;護理人員業務過失發生原因,有11個特徵,屬四個次主題,最後歸納出二個醫療過失主題:內部程序不完善(含九個特徵)、及超越一般護理業務之執行風險(含二個特徵);業務過失態樣方面,與未正確執行預防保健之護理措施業務為最多。研究結果可提昇法律與護理專業人員對護理人員醫療過失刑事責任的相關知識。 Past studies of criminal judgements involving medical negligence in nursing have usually been negeleted. This study, firstly introduce the concept of function and role of nursing in health care system. Secondly, literature relating to criminal negligenc and medical negligence, criminal judgements to medical negligence on nurses, are reviewed. Following, a case report and criminal judgements of the Supreme Court, in Taiwan, in cases involving nurses are provided and investigated to discuss the illegality of medical negligence. In nurse-patient relationships, literature shows that not only the fact relations, but also the legal relations should be explored. “Medical negligence in nursing professionals” relates to nursing professionals engage in nursing or medical-assistance behaviors that has a duty of care to their patients, where the professional has been neglectful in his/her duties and the patient has consequently suffered physical trauma or death. When the nurse is sentenced to guilt, the criminal judgment depends on the criterion of clinical nursing practice guideline and objective duty of care. This study uses a retrospective data, and analyzes the written verdicts from a law database, since 1997 to June, 2012. Fifteen cases involved nurses and the delivery of nursing services. These 15 criminal prosecutions are analysed, and the findings is focused on the crimes of medical negligence. It is found that seven cases out of 15 lost their trials. Most of the nursing staffs came from long-term care units. This study identifies 11 characterics on causality of medical negligence, which belongs to four sub-catocory, and two major themes. Two themes are: (1) inappropriate internal nursing process (includes nine characterics) and unusual practice risk beyond daily nursing services (includes two characterics). Possibly the most frequent professional negligence cases involve nursing professionals who have either failed to act – or omitted to act – with the duty of care, is related to nursing intervention. Through this study, it is expected that nursing and legal professionals can have a better understanding to the medical negligence in nursing.
  • 2 筆 • 頁數 1 •
310002318163 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 380101 4453 2012 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
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