少數政府在台灣 = The Minority Government in...


  • 少數政府在台灣 = The Minority Government in Taiwan: Institutional Factors and the Rethinking of Non-institutional Incentives : 制度性因素與非制度性誘因之再思
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: The Minority Government in Taiwan: Institutional Factors and the Rethinking of Non-institutional Incentives
    副題名: 制度性因素與非制度性誘因之再思
    作者: 黃耀賞,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2013[民102]
    面頁冊數: 187面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 少數政府
    標題: Minority government
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/01139153398767985735
    附註: 參考書目:面161-177
    其他題名: 制度性因素與非制度性誘因之再思
    摘要註: 本文寫作動機,主要是針對2000年到2008年民進黨少數政府的成立及其演變過程。少數政府對於我國憲政運作經驗而言,是個嶄新的個案;對於多數統治的民主運作邏輯而言,是個有趣的特例;對於半總統制的比較研究而言,也是個特殊的案例。為探求我國少數政府的成因,筆者兼顧正式制度與非正式制度對政治行動者行為之影響的「新制度主義」視角,討論我國少數政府出現之制度性因素與非制度性誘因。制度性因素討論的面向包含了憲政體制、總統與國會的選舉制度、以及其他的法制規範,並輔以台、法兩國半總統制憲法規範、總統與國會的選舉制度之比較,觀察上述制度性因素對於籌組政府之影響;非制度性誘因,討論的面向包括黨國威權體制的運作經驗與威權文化遺緒、人民對於民選實權總統的期待、政黨之間互信基礎,以及我國公民社會在政治領域裡的功能等。 再針對唐飛內閣與張俊雄內閣等少數政府實際的演變過程來加以觀察與分析,吾人可以發現行政院長由總統直接任命產生、總統擁有被動解散權、行政主體為行政院長所掌握的行政院、對於立委而言,SNTV選制造成的高昂選舉成本(包括落選的可能)而憂懼改選等,為少數政府得以存續之制度性的因素;而人民對於實權總統之期待、政黨之間互信基礎薄弱、與公民社會的力量不彰等則是相當程度排除共治政府以及聯合政府成立的可能性,乃至於少數政府成為陳總統籌組政府的唯一選項。至於再次出現總統黨籍與國會多數不一致的情況時,若政黨之間互信基礎薄弱、公民社會力量不彰等非制度性誘因無法改善,導致共治政府難以成立,而聯合政府持續難產,則結果將是少數政府的再次出現。而本文認為以目前朝野各黨互動的情況與公民社會的表現觀之,再次出現總統黨籍與國會多數不一致的情況時,少數政府很有可能再次出現。而我國也確實存在著有利於少數政府存續的制度性因素與非制度性誘因。關鍵字:少數政府、新制度主義、SNTV選制、政黨互信、公民社會 This research is motivated by the formation and survival of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) minority governments between 2000 and 2008. Minority government was a brand new experience in Taiwan’s constitutional operation. It is not only an interesting counterexample of the logic of democracy, i.e. majority-rule, but also a special case under the semi-presidential system in terms of comparative research. In order to explore the causes of the minority governments in Taiwan, the researcher adopts the perspective of “neo-institutionalism” which emphasizes the impacts of both formal and informal institutions on the behavior of political actors so as to examine the institutional factors as well as non-institutional incentives contributing to the emergence of the minority governments in Taiwan. The discussion on the institutional factors includes the constitutional system, the presidential and legislative electoral systems and other legal norms, in addition to the comparison of the semi-presidential systems between Taiwan and France in terms of their constitutional norms as well as presidential and legislative electoral systems. The impacts of the above institutional factors on the formation of government are observed accordingly. The study of the non-institutional incentives includes the experience from the party-state authoritarian regime and the remains of authoritarian culture, people’s expectations on popularly elected president with real power, trust between political parties as well as the function of Taiwan’s civil society in the political sphere. The ensuing discussion on the survival of the minority governments wherein the cabinets were led by Premier Tang Fei and Premier Chang Chun-Hsiung identifies the institutional factors which contribute to the survival of the minority governments: the President directly appoints the Premier, the President has the passive power to dissolve the Legislature, the administrative body is the Executive Yuan headed by the Premier, and legislators are concerned about re-elections due to high election costs arising from the SNTV electoral system (including losing their seats). However, people’s expectations on the president with real power, mistrust between political parties and lack of power on the part of the civil society, to a certain degree, eliminate the possibility of cohabitation and the formation of a coalition government. As a result, minority governments became the only option as far as President Chen Shui-bian was concerned. If the president’s political party affiliation differs from the majority of the Legislature and the non-institutional incentives fail to be improved, such as mistrust between political parties and lack of power on the part of the civil society, cohabitation will become impossible and a coalition government will be difficult to form. This will lead to the re-emergence of the minority government. This research concludes that a minority government is likely to re-appear based on the interaction between the political parties and the performance of the civil society if the political party affiliation of a future president is inconsistent with the majority of the Legislature. Moreover, there are indeed institutional factors and non-institutional incentives in Taiwan which are conducive to the survival of the minority government. Key words: Minority government, neo-institutionalism, SNTV electoral system, Trust between political parties, Civil society
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