防救災決策支援系統之開發與應用-以高雄市颱洪災害為例 = The Dev...


  • 防救災決策支援系統之開發與應用-以高雄市颱洪災害為例 = The Development and Application of Decision Support System for Prevention and Mitigation of Typhoon Hazards in the City of Kaohsiung
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: The Development and Application of Decision Support System for Prevention and Mitigation of Typhoon Hazards in the City of Kaohsiung
    作者: 李啟榮,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2013[民102]
    面頁冊數: 137面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 颱風
    標題: typhoon
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/92868916262957816809
    附註: 104年10月31日公開
    附註: 參考書目:面119-122
    摘要註: 台灣因地理位置特殊而經常遭遇天然災害的嚴厲挑戰,其中颱風所帶來的豪雨常於台灣地區造成嚴重的災害,諸如水災、土石流、坡地崩塌等災害,皆導致許多寶貴人命與財產的損失。同時,由於都市化發展驅使人口及產業紛紛向都市集中,災害一旦發生,災損規模往往屢創新高,這也凸顯各項防救災資源的妥善調度及掌控的重要性。高雄市防救災決策支援系統建置之主要目的是為了提升整體災害分析預警作業效率,將即時監測資料、災害預警模式以地理資訊系統技術加以整合,運用加值資訊於災害應變過程進行災害情資研判與推演。本研究以災害應變中心從業人員之任務為考量,因應災情綜整之作業及人員流動率高之問題,在系統中建置了情資簡報匯出功能,使相關人員在資訊獲得上具備同一基礎。整體架構主要利用地理資訊系統技術及相關工具,將基本圖資套疊災害潛勢以顯示災害的空間分布情形,同時蒐整各級單位之防救災資源並進行格式律定、轉換及展示,以完整建構系統功能。於本文中透過應變過程說明如何利用防救災決策支援系統,即時掌握各類資訊提供後續決策之參考。 Taiwan is an island with various natural hazards. The torrential rainfall accompanied with typhoons frequently causes the serious disasters, such as floods, debris flows and landslides, which results in the loss of lives and damage of properties. Moreover, the concentration of population and industries is actuated by the urbanization. The induced loss frequently breaks the record as a disaster occurs, so as to show the importance of efficient management and dispatch for rescue resource. The fundamental purpose for building of decision support system of Kaohsiung City is to promote the efficiency on disaster pre-warning and emergency response. The integration of real-time monitoring data and disaster pre-warning modules through geographical information system (GIS) is utilized in the emergency operations. This study gives the background of recent developments in decision support system of Kaohsiung City. The analysis of disaster-affected areas with population mapping is conducted to predict the spatial distribution of typhoon induced disasters. With the support system, all necessary information would be integrated immediately for decision making and performance of emergency response operation would be facilitated.
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310002565425 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 541606 4039 2013 c.2 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
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