摘要註: |
近年來,由於全球氣候快速變遷,各種極端氣候導致許多地區遭受水患之苦。洪水侵襲過之住宅,常會有黴菌(微生物)孳生的問題,嚴重影響室內空氣品質。本研究目的是利用奈米金屬當抗黴阻劑,以期提升室內建材抗黴能力。本研究之建材,選用最常見的地板類(含傳統木質地板(WF)、健康綠建材木質地板(GWF))、牆壁類(含傳統矽酸鈣板 (CSB) 、健康綠建材矽酸鈣板 (GCSB)、傳統石膏板 (GB)、健康綠建材石膏板 (GGB))及天花板類(含傳統礦纖天花板 (MFC) 健康綠建材及礦纖天花板 (GMFC)) 共三類八種建材,每一建材裁切成5公分(L) × 5公分(W) 大小,分別植入Aspergillus菌或Penicillium菌培養35天,來判斷其建材本身抗黴效果; 之後分別並利用奈米金屬Ag、Cu與Zn 作為抗黴劑,以期提升建材本身抗黴能力。 研究結果發現,含浸奈米銀0.03 g/L溶液後建材抗黴試驗,對GCSB 、GMFC、WF與CSB建材,有較佳的抗Penicillium菌之表現;對MFC、GGB、GMFC與GB建材,有較佳的抗Aspergillus菌之表現。含浸奈米銅0.10 g/L溶液後建材抗黴試驗,對WF與GB建材,有較佳的抗Penicillium菌之表現;對WF建材,有較佳的抗Aspergillus菌之表現。含浸奈米鋅0.60 g/L溶液後建材抗黴試驗,對GWF、GCSB、GGB、WF、CSB、MFC與GB 建材,有較佳的抗Penicillium菌之表現;而對GWF、GCSB、GGB、WF、CSB與GB建材,有較佳的抗Aspergillus菌之表現。整體而言,使用含浸法添加奈米金屬於建材對於抗黴有正向的改善,有助於提升室內空氣品質。 Extreme weather nowadays causes droughts and floods in many countries. The flood brings mold problems and deteriorates indoor air quality. It is difficult to remove mold on building materials. This study is aimed for improving mold resistance ability of selected building materials. Eight kinds of building materials were used for experiments. They are wooden flooring (WF), wooden flooring of green building material (GWF), calcium silicate board (CSB), calcium silicate board of green building material (GCSB), gypsum board (GB), gypsum board of green building material (GGB), mineral fiber ceiling (MFC), and mineral fiber ceiling of green building material (GMFC).. Each building material was cut into 5 × 5 cm specimen, with Aspergillus or, Penicillium fungi implanted. The humidity was controlled at 85%. Single kind or different combination of nano metal Ag, Cu, Zn and TiO2 was added in each specimen and cultured for 35 days to investigate enhancement of the ability for nano metals to resist mold. The results show the higher the concentration of nano metal, the stronger the anti-mold effect is. Besides, distinct building materials have different anti-mold properties. After nano silver being impregnated at a concentration of 0.03 g/L, MFC, GB, GMFC, and GGB have better resistance to Aspergillus fungi, WF, CSB, GCSB, and GMFC have better resistance to Penicillium fungi. After nano copper being impregnated at a concentration of 0.10 g/L, WF and GB has better resistance to Aspergillus fungi,WF have better resistance to Penicillium fungi. After nano zinc being impregnated at a concentration of 0.30 g/L, WF, GB, GGB, CSB, and GCSB has better resistance to Penicillium fungi. After nano zinc being impregnated at a concentration of 0.60 g/L, WF, GB, GGB, CSB, and GCSB has better resistance to Aspergillus fungi, WF, GB, GGB, and CSB have better resistance to Penicillium fungi. With appropriate nano metals being added, the anti-mold ability of building materials was found to be effectively improved and therefore improve indoor air quality. |