公寓大廈區分所有權之研究─以地下層停車位產權實務問題為中心 = Rese...


  • 公寓大廈區分所有權之研究─以地下層停車位產權實務問題為中心 = Research distinction between ownership of an apartment building─Take the basement parking spot property right practice problems
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: Research distinction between ownership of an apartment building─Take the basement parking spot property right practice problems
    Author: 李沛隆,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2013[民102]
    Description: 210面圖,表 : 30公分;
    Subject: 區分所有權
    Subject: Distinction between ownership
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/44112660883144154864
    Notes: 參考書目:面151-156
    Notes: 103年12月16日公開
    Summary: 由於都市人口集中地區停車空間需求大,且寸土寸金,停車位供不應求,導致其價格水漲船高,更有甚者,五都內之大樓停車位價格,少則一個車位五、六十萬,多則一、二百萬者亦不罕見。就如本校附近的大樓停車位,亦有喊價至一百多萬者,顯已占了房價的三分之一至二分之一強。故消費者於購屋時,停車位成為購屋過程中重要的買賣標的。然而一般消費大眾對於複雜的停車位產權及登記方式無法充份瞭解,加上建商常有廣告不實的現象,所以實務上停車位買賣糾紛層出不窮。基此,本文試圖從爭議出發,探討公寓大廈地下層停車位爭議之成因及可能解決之道。不難理解,公寓大廈共有部分之所有權及使用權常出現爭執,而導致大樓住戶間及與與建商間層出不窮之爭執。故本文首先從停車位所在之區分所有建物出發,以建物區分所有理論為基礎,探討公寓大廈中三種重要的權利構成部分—即專有部分、共有部分及其基地,其產權之內涵及權利屬性為何,並更進一步討論公寓大廈區分所有權衍生出之專用使用權,其理論與實務爭議之分析,以及其與停車位爭議問題之連繫為何。接下來,本文就學說、相關法令、函釋及登記實務等角度,對公寓大廈地下層停車位之概念、類型、產權登記方式及實務上停車位爭議之各種態樣進行分析整理,彙整出各類停車位其產權登記方式及其衍生之相關使用收益問題。最後,本文歸納實務上常見停車位爭議態樣,透過法院判例判決之蒐集分析,瞭解訴訟實務對相關問題之見解及看法。文末,基於上述之研究結果,對於現行各類停車位產權爭議問題,作出整理比較,並試圖提出可能之解決之道。 Due to the large parking space requirements of urban population centers and the high cost of land, that have resulted in the shortage and the increasing price of parking space. What is more, among the price of building parking spaces within five municipalities has ranged five to six hundred thousand dollars, as much as one to two million dollars is common. Like the bid of building parking spaces near the campus is over one million dollars that obviously accounting for one-third to one half more of total . Therefore, parking spaces become the important consideration during the trading in houses. However, general consumers can not be fully aware of the complex parking spaces ownership and registration ,coupled with false advertisements from builders ,making more and more trading disputes of parking spaces in practice.Based on these, this paper attempts to investigate how come controversies of some apartment building’s basement parking spaces and possible solutions. It’s not difficult to understand how often seen disputes about the ownership and usufruct over the public part of apartment that led to more and more arguments between the residents and builders. Therefore ,first of this paper is focused on making all the building a distinction between the parking spaces are located ,and based on the theory of distinguish within building ownership to discuss components of apartment building by three important rights-the proprietary part ,the public part and the connotations of its base and property right. And further to discuss the dedicated usufruct, analysis of the dispute between theory and practice, as well as how its links with the parking problems that derived from distinguish within building ownership. Next, there are analysis and collation about basement parking spaces of apartment buildings, including concepts ,types , methods of property registration and various parking disputes in practice ,which are from viewpoints of doctrines, relevant laws, interpretative letters and registration practices. Then compiled the property registration methods and the related using revenue problems of various parking spaces. Finally, this paper summarized the common controversial patterns of parking spaces in practice and through the collection and analysis of court judgments to help us have views on the relevant issues of litigation practices. Last, this paper based on aforesaid studies to compare with the present disputes of various parking property rights, and tried to put forward some possible solutions.
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