我國政府技術人力運用問題之研究 = The Study of the f...


  • 我國政府技術人力運用問題之研究 = The Study of the functions of technical manpower utilization system in contemporary government : 以地方政府為例; Local government as an example
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: The Study of the functions of technical manpower utilization system in contemporary government
    副題名: 以地方政府為例
    作者: 黃瀅靜,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: 高雄市
    出版者: 國立高雄大學;
    出版年: 2013[民102]
    面頁冊數: 170面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 技術人力
    標題: technical manpower
    電子資源: https://hdl.handle.net/11296/63bq58
    附註: 107年11月1日公開
    附註: 參考書目:面146-152
    摘要註: 人力是各機關組織運作順利與否之關鍵因素,甚至於將之列為組織之資源(產),人力資源管理即在探討員工之能力與行為之管理。我國政府公務機關之人事體制,皆透過任用、聘任、僱用等制度選任,而人員進用後依其個別不同之任用法規而享不同之待遇、考核、退休及撫卹制度。尤其在行政機關中,以任用制度為主體之文官,乃依其所佔職缺職等及銓敘審定資格核定各項待遇及福利,所有人事制度皆有其法律規定。此外,我國地方政府之公務人員法制,不採中央與地方分立的雙軌制(dualism),而是採一般單一國家慣用的中央與地方公務員一體適用單軌制(monism)。有鑑於此,本研究則針對我國政府技術人力在法規制度之規定與機關在實務運作上之落差進行探討,尤其是針對地方基層政府機關之技術人力之運用情形加以分析討論,以探討現制度對於地方技術人力之運作上產生之問題情況。研究發現,現行地方政府技術人力在運作上會出現實務與法制無法配合之情況,經分析其癥結歸為人員進用管道過於狹隘、進用職類與運用範圍受限、陞遷管道受限與缺乏激勵、待遇缺乏誘因、權責不相稱與不分等五大問題面向,同時採用觀察法及深入訪談法進行分析,證實現行體制確實易使技術人力不易留任,致使地方機關呈現人力不足之情況。研究建議長期應檢討整個人事制度之重新規劃設計,包括各職類重新分類,並依各類擬訂進用方式及運用法規;同時可採行日本之中央與地方公務員法制分制之方式,以利地方機關靈活用人。而短期建議則是在現行體制下,修正各該單行法規之相關規定及做法,主要包括:一、在職位設計上:(一)適度調高地方列等,以期留住優秀人才。(二)調整中央與地方間之業務權責,如確係委辦事項,則應檢討中央與地方機關之員額配置。(三)現行職務說明書之工作項目調整為橫向機制。二、在遴員進用上:(一)縮短考試之試務期程,可一年辦理多次考試,並增加候用人員名冊。(二)專業技術性類科考試應採證照資格,其餘技術類科應放寬應試資格,以廣納人力,並應與民間互調派工作,以吸取更多經驗。(三)放寬專技轉任之規定,同時嚴格加強取得專業證照考試之條件及增加考試方式。(四)專門職業及技術人員轉任公務人員之初任人員訓練應與考試分發人員之技術類人員訓練併同辦理。三、在任用方面:延長技術類人員調任行政類職務之取得任用資格之年限為2-3年,佐以其他可驗證確實具職系專長之測試方法,並取消單向調任規定。四、其他面向:將純技術性業務委外或由民間辦理。 Manpower is the key factor in the organizations, even as the organization's resources (assets). Human resource management is to study the ability and behavior of employees. The personnel system of contemporary government is recruited by its appointment, engagement, and employment. After employed, the civil servants have their own systems including the pay, assessment, retirement and pension per different regulations. Especially in the administrative authorities, the civil services of appointment system is the mainstay for the civil servants in accordance with their levels of individual duties and qualifications which approves for their compensations and benefits by the laws and regulations of personnel system. In addition, the law of the civil servants in local government does not adopt the dualism of central and local governments, but adopt monism customarily which the whip system from central government to local government. In view of this, the study is targeted at the gap between the legal system of the contemporary government technical manpower and the practical utilization of public authorities, especially for the utilization status of local government. It is to investigate the problems in the utilization from local government's technical manpower system. The study found that local government technical manpower can not be collaborated with the legal system and practical situation. There are five aspects as too narrow personnel's appointment, limited personnel's appointment category and utilization system, lack of incentives and limited promotion, lack of attractive pay, misclassification and disproportionate responsibilities. Meanwhile, this analysis uses both methods of participant observation and in-depth interview to prove the current system is not easy to retain the technical manpower which results in the manpower shortage in local authorities. This research suggests that, in the long term, reviews and plans to re-design all the personnel system, including re-classified all categories so as to set up the recruit methods and the legislations of utilization. Also, it suggests that we can adopt the spirit of separated operations in central government and local authorities in Japan to have a flexible employment by local authorities. The short-term recommendations are to amend the separate regulations in the current system which includes1. In the position design: (1) Increase the position level of local authorities to retain excellent civil servants. (2) To adjust the obligations between central and local government, if measures as the central government matters, you should review the allocation of staffing between them. (3) The current job description of work lists should adjust as the horizontal mechanism. 2.In recruitment and selection: (1) Shorten the processing period of examination which can organize several examinations in a year and increase more candidates in the waiting list.(2) Test takers which attend professional and technical examination should have qualified certifications. Others should deregulate their qualifications in order to enroll more manpower, and should cross-train between public sectors and private sectors to have more experience. (3) Deregulated transformers to government positions from professional and technical personnel with strictly acquisition for professional certifications and more test methods in examinations. (4) The training of transformers from professional and technical personnel and the training of the newly appointed technical civil servants should be complied.3.In the appointment: Acquisition of more 2-3 years length of service for the transformers from professional and technical personnel to the administrative duties. In addition, combines with the proper test methods to approve their expertise, and cancel the one-way transfered regulations.4.Others: Outsourcing the purely technical business or handled by the private sectors.
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