不同世代與市場地位對決策選擇之影響 = The Effects of D...


  • 不同世代與市場地位對決策選擇之影響 = The Effects of Different Generation and Market Positions on Decision-Making Choices
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: The Effects of Different Generation and Market Positions on Decision-Making Choices
    作者: 吳孟芬,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2013[民102]
    面頁冊數: 83面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 二代接班
    標題: Second-generation successors
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/58399906415117161085
    附註: 參考書目:面55-58
    附註: 102年10月31日公開
    摘要註: 根據麥肯錫公司有關家族企業的研究結果顯示:全球家族企業的平均壽命只有24年,其中只有大約30%的家族企業可以傳到第二代,能夠傳到第三代的不到13%,只有5%的家族企業在第三代以後還能夠繼續為股東創造價值。二代接班人(領導者)肩負著一代傳承下來永續經營的責任,單憑一代的成功經驗是否足以應付競爭且多變的市場,一代創業者憑藉著市場機會、積極擴張開創基業,二代守成以外仍必須是否也傳承了創業者的雄心壯志(策略雄心)積極創新與擴張,才能另創企業高峰。二代接班人在做決策時又是如何的心智模式運作,在二代接班的相關性論文中,鮮少有對一代及二代的決策選擇進行差異性的研究,及深入探討決策者在進行決策時考量的因素及決策原因。本研究運用實驗設計(DOE)的研究方法,以兩個模擬的實驗情境來進行驗證,一代及二代總共133份有效回收問卷。研究發現世代的不同及市場定位對決策選擇並無明顯差異,而決策理由明顯影響決策選擇。本研究分析結果提供實務界以下建議:一、世代對於策略選擇並無明顯差異。打破富不過三代的意識型態,二代並非僅能維持守成,不受限於一代的成功模式,二代也可創造自己的發展版圖。二、市場定位對於策略選擇並無明顯差異。不管是市場的領導者或追隨者,面對外在瞬息萬變的經營環境,以公司的經營績效為考量,策略選擇不管是擴張或維持都有其不同的策略組合及經營效益。三、決策理由和決策選擇是有達到統計上的顯著性,具備策略雄心的經營者在決策上是選擇積極擴張,攻城掠地展現經營企圖心,以創造企業卓越的優勢。本研究結果期能有助於未來在心智模式、策略雄心及經營績效的量化研究上,供後續研究參考。 According to the results of the research on family business conducted by McKinsey & Company, the family businesses in the world have an average life span of only 24 years. Among them, only about 30% can be passed down to the second generation, and less than 13% can be passed down to the third generation. Only 5% of the family businesses can still create value for stockholders after the third generation. The second-generation successors (leaders) bear the responsibility for sustaining business operations passed down by the first generation. Is the successful experience of the first generation sufficient to cope with the competitive and volatile market? The first generation or the founders proactively establish and expand their businesses based on market opportunities. While keeping the businesses going, must the second generation be endowed with the (strategic) ambitions of the founders to actively innovate and expand businesses, in order for the businesses to reach a new peak? How does the mental model of the second generation operate when making decisions? Papers on second-generation successors hardly contain research on the difference between the first and the second generations in decision making; neither do they explore the factors that decision makers take into consideration when they make decisions and the reasons for making such decisions.This study used the research method, design of experiment (DOE), and conducted verification with two simulated experimental situations. A total of 133 valid questionnaires were collected from first- and second-generation business operators. It is found that difference between generations and in market positioning don’t significantly affect decision making, whereas the reasons for making decision significantly influence decision making.The analytical results of this study provide the industry with the following suggestions: (1) there is no significant difference between generations in strategic choice. The second generation can not only keep the businesses going, without being subject to the successful model of the first generation, but they can also create their own blueprint for development; thus, they have succeeded in breaking away from the ideology that great men’s sons seldom do well. (2) Marketing positioning has no significant impact on strategic choice. When facing the ever-changing external operational environment, the leaders or the followers in the market will consider the operational performance of the enterprises; whether the strategic choice is to expand or to maintain the business, it has its different strategic compositions and operational benefits. (3) Reasons and choices for decision making have all achieved statistical significance. Business operators with strategic ambitions choose to actively expand their businesses when making decisions, and their attempts are reflected in their conquest of cities and towns with their businesses, in order to create enterprise excellence. This study hopes to contribute to the quantitative research on mental model, strategic ambitions, and operational performance in the future, as well as to provide a reference for subsequent studies on these issues.
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