基督信仰對高階管理者領導型態及其組織績效之影響 = The Influe...


  • 基督信仰對高階管理者領導型態及其組織績效之影響 = The Influence of Christian Belief on Top Management’s Leadership Style and Organizational Performance
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: The Influence of Christian Belief on Top Management’s Leadership Style and Organizational Performance
    作者: 李靜弦,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2013[民102]
    面頁冊數: 62面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 領導型態
    標題: Leadership style
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/52152026753576639170
    附註: 參考書目:面49-53
    附註: 102年10月31日公開
    摘要註: 面對全球越來越嚴峻的競爭環境,探討組織中領導者的領導風格有其必要性,因其直接抑或間接影響組織的發展,甚至是其所表現的社會責任態度。此外,越來越多的研究顯示,宗教信仰對組織績效具有相當深遠的影響。有鑑於此,本研究目的乃以具基督信仰的領導者為主角,探討他們的領導型態與對組織的貢獻,是否受到其基督信仰的影響。本研究主要透過問卷調查和深度訪談法進行資料收集,以瞭解組織中的領導者個人信仰的價值觀如何影響其領導風格。而在組織貢獻方面,本研究以社會責任的展現為基礎,並佐以平衡計分卡來探究領導者在組織內、外部的表現,是否亦與其個人信仰的價值觀有所關聯。特別近代大眾強烈期待企業對關懷社會應更有所為,亦是成功的領導者需加以積極回應的。根據本研究分析的結果顯示:具基督信仰的領導者之領導型態和社會責任和信仰是有直接的關係,本研究所訪談的四位領導者均趨向於轉換型領導,他們主要以聖經的理念出發,藉此精神鼓舞及引導部屬一同為組織效力,並且實際投入關懷社會的活動,使信仰真正落實在工作與生活的層面。而在組織內、外部的表現方面,四位領導者在其工作期間,多能有效提升組織的財務與市場績效,但在內部流程與學習成長部分,雖不容易量化,但多能有所著墨。不過,值得注意的是,四位領導者多認為平衡計分卡的四個部分較無明顯受信仰的影響,因而本研究稱此四大構面與信仰具有間接的關係。本研究期望藉由領導者所抱持之基督信仰,對其所展現的領導風範、組織貢獻及社會責任的影響進行探討,藉此了解宗教信仰與企業經營實務之關聯性,期望對實務界有所貢獻。 The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the different roles and styles of leadership and their impact on the growth of organizations and industries in this era of fierce global competition. Moreover, prior studies have shown that religion has an interesting association with the efficiency of many different organizations. The main focuses of this study are Christian leaders in different organizations, and how their leadership styles and their contributions in their respective areas might have been affected by their Christian faith. This study is done through questionnaires and interviews in order to gather accurate information on these leaders’ religious values and the effects these values have on their leadership styles. In terms of organizational contribution, this study uses social responsibility as the basis, and utilizes the balanced scorecard (BSC) to measure and observe the relationship between personal religion and the contributions of the elite leaders both in and out of their respective organizations. The public has high hopes for these leaders in the enterprises to contribute more in social care; hence it is imperative for these leaders to actively respond to these expectations in order to be successful.The result of our analyses shows that the leadership styles of the Christian leaders and their attitudes toward social responsibilities have a strong association with their Christian faith. The four leaders in this study tend to practice transformational leadership with the Bible as their basis. These leaders inspire their workers and encourage them to work as team for the organizations, and challenge them to become involved in community services, thus integrating religion in both their work and in their daily life. On the other hand, when it comes to internal and external performances, the four leaders all succeeded in maximizing financial and marketing achievements in their respective organizations. In the aspects of internal procedures and growth area, the leaders’ achievements, unlike the above, are harder to be quantified; however, it is still understood that these leaders have made significant improvements in this field. It is also interesting to note that these four leaders believe it is difficult to see the influence of religion on their work using the four categories of the BSC, therefore this study concludes that there is an indirect relationship between faith and these four categories.By observing these Christian leaders, their leadership styles, and their contributions both in their respective organizations and in society, this study hopes to understand and reveal the association between faith and the management of organizations, and hopefully contribute to the rest of the business operations.
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